The above is a multimedia video of a young man who took his shahada (testimony of faith) and affirms that he is a Muslim before a number of witnesses. To be a Muslim is a simple as simply saying Ashhadu ana illaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah (I bear witness that there is no deity but God Almighty and that Muhammad is His Messenger) and he is immediately accepted as a Muslim. Such strict monotheism is the feature of Islam as the religio naturalis of man and the religion par excellence of mankind.
Certainly, there is no other religion in this world that is accepted by God Almighty except for Islam (Qur’an 3:85); indeed, no other religious belief system will ever be up to the par or standard of Islam which has already been perfected (Qur’an, 5:33), which seeks to reform the character of man and work towards an eventual Pax Islamica, in this world and in the next.
Once a person clearly proclaims that he is a believer in Islam and that he accepts God Almighty and His Messenger and the truth of that Message, he consciously and vigorously rejects the falsehood of polytheism or association with other deities; as he too consciously rejects the heresies of pseudo-monotheism.
Indeed, with such a simple proclamation he affirms that God is not a man born out of the loins of a woman, that one is not “saved” by a half-naked, bloodied Roman criminal swinging from a cross; or that there exists a group or an ethnic race of humans who were “God’s chosen” with a focus on ethno-centricism which implies that other races are no better than sub-humans.
This video is hosted on YouTube.
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