Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jauziyyah was a prominent Muslim jurist during Islam’s Golden Age. Apart from his jurisdistic prowess, he was also competent in composing qasidah (Arabic poetry). Among his more famous works was the qasidah entitled A’obbad al-Maseeh Fi Naqd al-Nasraniyyah (O Christ-Worshippers! In Refuting Christianity). This qasidah is well-known in the Muslim world and has even been turned into a song.

The following is the English translation of the poetry from the Arabic original.


    O Christ-worshippers! We want an answer to our question [from your wise ones],
    If the Lord was murdered by some people’s act, what kind of god is this?
    We wonder! Was He pleased by what they did to Him?
    If yes, blessed be they, they achieved His pleasure,
    But if He was discontented, this means their power had subjugated Him!

    [dropcap]W[/dropcap]as the whole entity left without a Sustainer, so who answered the prayers?
    Were the heavens vacated, when He laid under the ground somewhere?
    Were all the worlds left without a God, to manage while His hands were nailed?
    Why did not the angels help Him, when they heard him while he wailed?

    [dropcap]H[/dropcap]ow could the rods stand to bear the True Lord when He was fastened,
    How could the irons reached Him and [had] His body pinned?
    How could His enemies’ hands reach Him and slap His rear,
    And was Christ revived by himself, or was the Reviver another god?

    [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hat a sight it was, a grave that enclosed a god,
    Stranger still is the belly that confined Him!
    He stayed there for nine months in utter darkness, fed by blood!
    Then he got out of the womb as a small baby,
    Weak and gasping to be breast-fed!
    He ate and drank, and did what that naturally resulted,Urination and defecation
    Is this [what you call] a god?
    High Exalted be Allah above the lies of Christians,
    All of them will be held accountable for their libels!

    [dropcap]O[/dropcap] Cross-worshippers! For what reason is this exalted
    and blame [is cast upon those] who reject it?
    Is it not logical to break and burn it, along with the one who innovated it?Paul of Tarsus, founder of Trinitarian faith
    Since the Lord was crucified on it, and his hands were fastened to it?
    That is really a cursed cross to carry,
    So discard it, do not kiss it!i.e., don’t glorify it

    [dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Lord was abused on it, and you adore it?
    So [it is clear that] you are one of His enemies!
    If you extol it because it carried the Lord of the Worlds,
    Why don’t you prostrate yourself and worship graves,
    Since the grave contained your god in it?i.e., since someone who is a Christian abhors the idea of worshipping a grave, how is it possible for them to worship the cross?

    [dropcap]S[/dropcap]o Christ-worshipper, open your eyes,
    This is what the matter is all about. "O' Christ-Worshippers!" A Qasidah Which Refutes Christianity 1

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. (April 24, 2007). “O’ Christ-Worshippers!” A Qasidah Which Refutes Christianity. Retrieved from .



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16 responses to ““O’ Christ-Worshippers!” A Qasidah Which Refutes Christianity”

  1. Scott Avatar


    1) You are asking the question, “Why doesn’t God just change his mind, his standard of justice, and his nature?” This is an absurd question.

    2)The Bible never orders anybody to destroy a plant. I checked the verse you quoted, and I find nothing about plants.

    3) When Jesus is talking about “turning the other cheek” in the Sermon on the Mount, he is speaking in context about not seeking retribution in court. He is not condemning all violence.

    4) Eve had the greater responsibility because she sinned first and tempted Adam to sin. But both are responsible.

    5) The Bible never says you are responsible for the sin of Adam and Eve. It says that you inherit death from them and through death the tendency to sin.

    I lack the time to correct all of your misinterpretations of Christianity

  2. Quazi Avatar

    Oops….it should be John 1:1

  3. Quazi Avatar

    Salamu Alaikum,
    John 3:16 says that ‘Father’, ‘Son’ and ‘Holy Ghost’ are one.
    How come they are one when ‘Son’ is dead but ‘Father’ & ‘Holy Ghost’ are alive?

  4. xyz Avatar

    “USMAN (in reference to your post), while Christ knew full well that He was to die and that He would also be ressurected, that was not the real issue. At the moment of His death, at the time he took all the sins of the world past and present upon Himself, He was separated from the Father. THAT was the real sacrifice. The pain and death were inconsequential compared to even a moments separation from the Father. The cross is a symbol of that sacrifice. It is a rallying point for Christians, but we most certainly do not worship the cross. ”

    ANy FEAR OR “SEPERATION” WOULD be softened cause christianties god ,according to the gospels, knew that his death was not the END of him.isn’t there a happy ending to christian god’s suicide? satan has pre-knowledge that hundreds and thousands will join him in hell only if he endure pain for a few days and pretends to be god.Why would satan give 2 hoots about few days of pain and suffering and “seperation” from his evil?

    “…any feelings of DISTANCE or ABANDONMENT by the father he might have suffered would have been softened by his expectation of being inevitably reunitd with him…”

    “…god’s plan for the salvation of sinners, a PLAN in which jesus himself would have PARTICIPATED by ALLOWING himSELF TO BE EXECUTED, and which as gOD himSELF jesus would have HELPED DESIGN.Therefore far from feeling lonely jesus should have enjoyed a sense of cooperation and fellowship with the father in working towards an eminently worthwhile objective”

    the first sentence in the second paragraph of the 1st response is correct when it said
    “Thus, the sacrifices of ordinary human beings before and after Jesus are more IMPRESSIVE than that of Jesus, since unlike them, according to the gospels, he was fully aware that he would be resurrected and then ascend into heaven.”

  5. shadowofears Avatar

    Atleast Deeroy we have given you chance to show your view point.How many chances you have given to us?

  6. Deeroy Avatar

    When I read the About This Site page all that I could think of is that this site was about defending the Muslim faith and counter the lies by anti muslim polemics around the world.Instead what I found is that you guys are more busy attacking the christian beliefs rather than defending the Muslim faith itself.If this is the best response option you guys have then I suggest you guys change ur tagline and the about page.Stick to the cause.Show why it is lies.Bring out your point.

  7. John Avatar

    Reply to Gajibur:

    Assalam alaikum brother!

    Injil.org is just another flagship site to convert Muslims to ‘Kufranity’.

    Most important: It is a site from the answering-islam weasels.

    Just verify these links before they make any changes!!

    Deceit #1
    Deceit #2

  8. Muhammed Avatar

    Salaam Robert,

    If I say “Why didn’t God just forgave sins?”, you will say “Because God does not go against His word(need blood to erase sins).” But the next statement is, God goes against his word(abrogation) in many parts of the Bible. For example, in the 10 Commandments, there is a rule which “Thou Shall Not Kill”, there is also what Jesus said “Turn the other cheek”, but Biblical God orders the killings of women, children, infants, plants and animals(see Deut. 2:32-37, and 1 Samuel 15:2-4).

    Instead of going through what he(Jesus) KNEW what he was going to go through, he could have said, “You no longer have to sacrifice in order for ME to forgive your sins, because I am Most-Merciful.” You also want us to believe the original sin, something that is obviously unjust. Why am I responsible for what Adam and Eve did, specially of Eve(in the Bible, Eve is holding the biggest responsibility, but in the Qur’an Even AND Adam is held responsible).

    Also you say “The pain and death were inconsequential compared to even a moments separation from the Father.” but the Trinity teaches that the Farther, the Son, and the Spirit are all one, yet distinct. Surely, the Son being one as the Father wouldn’t feel separation. Also, God having the burden of “feeling separation” doesn’t seem Godly. How can something ONE feel separated? This, feeling, clearly shows what Jesus was, a prophet who is a man(peace be upon him), because he wanted to be with GOD, the Creator.

    “At the moment of His death, at the time he took all the sins of the world past and present upon Himself, He was separated from the Father. THAT was the real sacrifice. The pain and death were inconsequential compared to even a moments separation from the Father.”

    What? How can GOD BE SEPARATED? Anyone hearing this will say “Wait, I though we worshiped One God, not 3 separate beings.” Trinity is supposed to say that you worship in one God, in 3 persons. How can they be all God if they are separated?

    As for:
    “The writer of the referenced piece, regardless of his time period, had a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of Christ, His sacrifice, and exactly Who Christians worship.”

    I’m sure he only wrote what he saw.

    Also, he is not “too” wrong. For example, one of the 10 commandments tell us not make idols! Yes, we see the statues of Jesus, Mary, and other biblical figures(peace be upon them) almost every church. Now you might argue that they are not idols in the sense that you do not offer anything to them and you do not believe they hold powers, but they are idols because they are used during worship as a “visual representation”(a reply I got for this before). But John 4:24 says:
    “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.”

    Can you say that you worship God in spirit when you have visual representations of him? Also, you can not deny that there Christians speak to these carvings as if they are God! Perhaps they give a wrong image of Christianity. But we do see in movies and such, such as Christians lighting candles in front of the cross, or Jesus, or Marry (peace be upon them both) and praying by LOOKING at them, as if they are talking to them and see them. Unlike the way we face(but not look, as we look down) Kiblah(it is a temple and it is for unity of the Muslims to worship in the same direction), we don’t believe that the Kiblah is a “visual interpretation” of God or any other figure. I do not believe Christianity(from the Bible) is an idolatry religion, maybe some Christians are giving the wrong image?

    Anyways, I don’t want to derive from the point, the author only wrote what the people at the time and place thought and did. I agree that just because Jesus was a baby doesn’t mean he was defenseless(even though he ran from Egypt), but the problem is not with the author of the Poem but the Christian teachings.

    You say that GOD incarnated his self in to Jesus and also God is 3 persons. How can God do both at the SAME TIME? Please don’t say he is capable of doing anything because the age old question “Can God create a boulder which He can not carry?” which basically means only think in the realm of reason. The Christian teachings just confused him as it confuses many people today(such as the creation[Genesis], I thought God isn’t suppose to be the God of confusion). By saying God incarnated his self in to Jesus(pbuh), you are saying God gave up his Godly powers, but I never heard, until now, a Christian say “the SON incarnated his self in flesh”, which is more easy to understand in the case of the incarnation. I always here the claim “God LITERALLY incarnated his self in flesh which we call Jesus.” But, then the author would think you worship 3 Gods. I honestly think that worshiping Jesus(pbuh) and others is wrong. We should only worship God as One, and not in 3 persons.

    Since we are on that part, let us examine what you just said:
    “Christ was born in the flesh to live life as man and to be tempted as such. His sinless life provided the righteous basis for his sacrifice. He was the Lamb without spot or blemish.”

    Is God’s infinite knowledge an object that can be degraded by “mortalizing” in flesh? How can GOD be tempted or even TRIED?

    As for your last comment, I thank you, because not many people do this. I think, even though I believe you are wrong, it is the thought that counts.

    I pray to Allah so He may guide you to the True path, Islam.

  9. heman Avatar

    ” At the moment of His death, at the time he took all the sins of the world past and present upon Himself, He was separated from the Father. THAT was the real sacrifice. The pain and death were inconsequential compared to even a moments separation from the Father. ”

    seperation in your invention means god stopped being god? did the second leg of trinity know what seperation feels like before he puts it into action/incarnation? or does his omniscience and omnipotence switch off like electrical items? you said, “he was seperated from the father” this sounds like what humanity has been doing with its children long before christianity.why do you apply this to god? if the son was “seperated” he knew that his holy spirt was still CONNECTED with the father,didn’t this holy spirit + father connection ease the “seperation”?

  10. Faruh Rehan Avatar
    Faruh Rehan

    No shelb, for whatever the answers are in the bible, the questions still remain coz still the GOD died. And the idea that GOD died is….well shall I say ….questionable? For GOD created everything, inclusive death. GOD can’t lose control of death till it overpowers HIM and takes HIS “live”. Man just cannot kill their GOD. It is not a story about one mad scientist who creates a monster and only to be killed by it. Can’t you understand……? Hopefully you are not what Allah mentioned in the Al Quran. “They are deaf dumb and blind”

  11. Robert Avatar

    First of all, as a born again Christian, let me state emphatically that we do not worship the cross. We worship God in three parts, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity, if you will. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. What Christ accomplished on the cross assures me of eternal life in Heaven. Rest assured that the “heavens were not empty” while Christ hung on the cross or during his burial. God the Father still sat on the throne and heard the pleas and prayers of the faithful.

    USMAN (in reference to your post), while Christ knew full well that He was to die and that He would also be ressurected, that was not the real issue. At the moment of His death, at the time he took all the sins of the world past and present upon Himself, He was separated from the Father. THAT was the real sacrifice. The pain and death were inconsequential compared to even a moments separation from the Father. The cross is a symbol of that sacrifice. It is a rallying point for Christians, but we most certainly do not worship the cross.

    Christ was born in the flesh to live life as man and to be tempted as such. His sinless life provided the righteous basis for his sacrifice. He was the Lamb without spot or blemish.

    The writer of the referenced piece, regardless of his time period, had a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of Christ, His sacrifice, and exactly Who Christians worship.

    I pray humbly for the salvation of all who read this. Salvation for all is God’s will as expressed in His Holy Word.

  12. heman Avatar

    “As an evangelical Chrsitian and student, it is quite obvious that the writer of this song has never read the Bible or even Googled the bases of Christian faith. If so- all the “WHY?” questions would be void.”

    how could he google when there was no internet in his time? what i find interesting is this ?
    “Were the heavens vacated, when He laid under the ground somewhere?” i assume al jawziyah had access to a gospel that said the crosstian god got buried and had a burial service.

  13. Junaid Avatar


    the writer of the song was writing at a time when computers did not exist. So he could not “Google” :)

    He is a midieval writer and scholar.

  14. ShelbSpeaks Avatar

    As an evangelical Chrsitian and student, it is quite obvious that the writer of this song has never read the Bible or even Googled the bases of Christian faith. If so- all the “WHY?” questions would be void.

    We wonder! Was He pleased by what they did Him?
    Were the heavens vacated, when He laid under the ground somewhere?
    Why did not the angels help Him, when they heard him while he wailed?
    He ate and drank, and did what that naturally resulted,1
    Is this [what you call] a god?

    COME ON! The answers to such things are the very BASES for our faith! Try doing a little research before assuming we’re all blind idiots who believe whatever anyone tells us. I’m sure you’d want the same respect regarding your faith.

  15. asim Avatar

    very intersting read. i wonder how a christan would respond.

  16. usman Avatar

    the man-god died as a martyr?

    This does seem to imply that Jesus chose to die, if not the manner of his death (although, as the son aspect of an omniscient being, it would be hard to claim he didn’t know exactly how he would die). Jesus lays down his life, knowing that he will take it up again. To say that others since Jesus have been emulating his example is thus not correct, because others have gone to their deaths not having genuine foreknowledge, but at the most only faith in life after death or a future resurrection.

    Thus, the sacrifices of ordinary human beings before and after Jesus are more impressive than that of Jesus, since unlike them, according to the gospels, he was fully aware that he would be resurrected and then ascend into heaven. All he had to do was endure a few hours of pain and discomfort. Countless human beings have endured far more, and died only with the hope of living again, not with the absolute knowing that Jesus would have had.

    But now let’s go the opposite direction; suppose Jesus was simply a deluded person who believed himself to be the Messiah and believed his death would make atonement for sin. Well, not many people are going to go to their deaths thinking the same thing, that by their deaths they are going to save the world. They may think that at most they may save a few people’s lives and perhaps do their tiny part to make the world a better place, or perhaps they think advancing an ideal is worth the sacrifice. Is this not more impressive than someone dying knowing that his death will save the world and knowing that he will be reunited with his trinitarian parts?

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