Category: Op-Ed

  • The Küng Con­tro­ver­sy : An Analy­sis of Jochen Katz’s Recent Tirade

    Some time ago, MENJ published Hans Kung's view of the Prophet Muhammad(P) along with a brief editor's note. It seems that Jochen Katz was quite outraged at this but more so at the "editor's note" and soon after published a "response". In short, Katz is saying that Kung only expressing his own personal opinion about…

  • Split­ting Hairs, The Jochen Katz” Way

    Answering Islam has posted an early reaction in objection to our publishing of Han Kung on the Prophet Muhammad (P). There are several issues in this reaction by Jochen Katz, the de facto dictator of Answering Islam, that needs to be corrected. We shall briefly respond to each of the allegations.

  • Sam’s Sham-wow : Some Notes On Sam Shamoun’s Low­ly Character

    Sam’s Sham-wow : Some Notes On Sam Shamoun’s Low­ly Character

    Recently I came across email exchanges that took place between Jalal Abualrab and the Christian missionary Sam Shamoun. I have heard that the missionary Shamoun is a very abusive, malicious and nasty individual, constantly mocking and abusing Islam as his hobby. After reading the mail exchanges, it became clear to me that this missionary is…

  • Answer­ing Islam : Preach­ing What They Do Not Practise ?

    In one of their pages, Answering Islam had made the following claim with the clear intention of "poisoning the well" where Muslim sites are concerned. The rest of the page goes on to either debase or discredit Muslim websites for their dependency on "atheist" material and preaching about the lack of "conscience" on the part…

  • Islam Through West­ern Eyes

    Edward W. Said (We do not nec­ces­sar­i­ly agree with every­thing that is said by the author ? Ed. ) The media have become obsessed with some­thing called ​“Islam,” which in their vogu­ish lex­i­con has acquired only two mean­ings, both of them unac­cept­able and impov­er­ish­ing. On the one hand, ​“Islam” rep­re­sents the threat of a resur­gent atavism, which sug­gests not only…

  • Mus­lim Pas­sion for The Christ

    Mus­lim Pas­sion for The Christ

    Like every­one else, I was warned about the blood and vio­lence, and braced for it. But the bit about the Eng­lish sub­scripts must have slipped my mind. One unex­pect­ed thing I got out of watch­ing ​“The Pas­sion of the Christ” is its affir­ma­tion that Jesus nev­er uttered the word ​“God”. Instead, he called upon the Cre­ator using…

  • Mis­sion­ary VS Ter­ror­ist : An Exam­i­na­tion of a Mis­sion­ary’s Men­tal Imbal­ance and Behav­iour­ial Problem

    The recent barrage of missionary dementia gives us a marvelous opportunity to expose the character of the missionary Sam Shamoun, his mental disorder and the extremes he is willing to undertake in order to unleash his abuses and prejudice towards Muslims. Indeed, he convincingly demonstrates that he is a confirmed Islamophobe. The discussion is concerning…

  • Some Thoughts on Mus­lims Con­vert­ing to Chris­tian­i­ty and Vice-Versa

    Some Thoughts on Mus­lims Con­vert­ing to Chris­tian­i­ty and Vice-Versa

    This article was written as part of my answer to a Christian calling himself "AIbrahim", who raised the issue of Muslim converts to Christianity as "proof" for the truth of Christianity as well as denying that Christian reverts to Islam were even "practising Christians". Below is the reproduction of that dialogue, with some modifications to…