Refut­ing Mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions : Homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in the Con­text of Islam­ic Teachings

In the usu­al vein of mis­sion­ary tra­di­tion1, the mis­sion­ar­ies have made a rather pathet­ic attempt at refut­ing” one of our arti­cles which shows the Bible per­ver­sion in encour­ag­ing homo­sex­u­al­i­ty. Pre­vi­ous­ly, we have shown in anoth­er expo­si­tion how the so-called apos­tle” from Tar­sus had dis­played some homo­sex­u­al ten­den­cies. In the lat­er part of this arti­cle, we will pro­vide some exam­ples of how the Chris­tians have prac­ticed this par­tic­u­lar teach­ing from the Bible in their day-to-day lives.

But we will come to that lat­er. Our pur­pose here now is to refute the mis­sion­ary’s read­ing into the text” and his vicious and bel­liger­ent attempt to turn the tables” on Islam by claim­ing that the Qur’an and the Sun­nah encour­ages homo­sex­u­al behav­iour. In the words of the missionary :

…we will be using Iqbal’s own argu­ments against his god and his prophet, just as we did it the last time, when they attacked the Apos­tle Paul.“Cf. refer to our expo­si­tion on the false­hood of Paul.

The mis­sion­ary con­tin­ues this humourous expo­si­tion by stat­ing the following :

In his haste to slan­der God’s true prophets Iqbal appar­ent­ly for­got that Ara­bic is a cog­nate lan­guage of Hebrew and has sim­i­lar words such as rah­man and rahim. Both of these terms come from the same root from which we get the Ara­bic word for womb, rahm.”

When speak­ing of cog­nates, the mis­sion­ary is duly remind­ed that he seems to have for­got­ten his very rule when he brash­ly claimed in anoth­er arti­cle of his that ahad(un) means one of…” and not sim­ply one”, as it is under­stood by its dic­tio­nary def­i­n­i­tion. Indeed, when speak­ing about cog­nates, the Hebrew echad cor­re­sponds close­ly with ahad. This issue will be dealt with in anoth­er paper which will be forth­com­ing soon, insha’al­lah. The point here is that we find it amus­ing that the mis­sion­ary is talk­ing about cog­nates when it comes to the very dis­turb­ing fact about the Hebrew raHamim and the homo­sex­u­al ten­den­cies of Daniel accord­ing to the Bib­li­cal account.

In any case, the mis­sion­ary him­self is com­mit­ting an ety­mo­log­i­cal fal­la­cy”, as he so loves to claim. The Hebrew cog­nate for the Ara­bic rah­man is rachuwm, as was shown in anoth­er paper. Hence the mis­sion­ary claim that the word “…come from the same root from which we get the Ara­bic word for womb, rahm” only exists in the mis­sion­ary’s mind in his usu­al rewrit­ing of Semit­ic ety­mol­o­gy, as it is tra­di­tion in the his­to­ry of their lying polemics.

Yet the mis­sion­ary con­cludes by stating :

Apply­ing Iqbal’s log­ic we must con­clude that Allah and his mes­sen­ger showed their mer­cy by hav­ing sex­u­al rela­tions with both male and female believ­ers. Allah used Muham­mad to show men his love by hav­ing his mes­sen­ger engage in homo­sex­u­al acts with them.”

As amus­ing as the imag­i­na­tion of the mis­sion­ary is, we must kind­ly remind him that the penal­ty for homo­sex­u­al­i­ty is very harsh in Islam, and before we allow his imag­i­na­tion to run away with him, let us now kind­ly quote for him a hadith from the Prophet (P) who says the fol­low­ing about the pun­ish­ment for homosexuals :

Who­ev­er grat­i­fies his sex­u­al urge with anoth­er (indi­vid­ual) of his own sex, the Almighty will not so much as look at him.”

Now that we have seen the above hadith, we should kind­ly ask the mis­sion­ary from where did he get his fat­wa, and how will he rec­on­cile this with the gen­er­al Islam­ic opin­ion on homo­sex­u­al­i­ty ? We are hence strong­ly remind­ed of the fol­low­ing from Jalal Abual­rub : When the Evan­ge­list Becomes A Shaykh…

The rest of the mis­sion­ary dia­tribe bears no rel­e­vance on the dis­cus­sion and is just yet anoth­er attempt by him to obfus­cate the issue by bom­bard­ing the read­er with para­graphs of text. This is a tac­tic which is not lost unto us.Please refer to our arti­cles which deal with Sam Shamoun and his dia­tribe on our web­site.Also please see this book review on Judith Miller’s work.

Now that we have dealt with the mat­ter suc­cinct­ly, it is time to see how Chris­tians put their word of God”, specif­i­cal­ly the engage­ment of homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, into practice.

Sev­er­al Exam­ples of Homo­sex­u­al Ten­den­cies By Christians

The time­line of legal­is­ing same-sex mar­riages in west­ern nations is evi­dence which clear­ly dis­plays the homo­sex­u­al behav­iour and ten­den­cies inher­ent in Chris­tians. Indeed, from the reports that has been gath­ered above, same-sex mar­riages are only allowed in pre­dom­i­nant Chris­t­ian nations. Not one of the nations allow­ing same-sex mar­riages (i.e. homo­sex­u­al­i­ty) has a pre­dom­i­nant Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty. We chal­lenge the mis­sion­ary to answer this ques­tion : if what the mis­sion­ary has been preach­ing all this while is true and that the Prophet Muhammad(P) indeed allows for homo­sex­u­al behav­iour, then why have not a sin­gle pre­dom­i­nant­ly-Mus­lim nation have passed the law for legal­is­ing homo­sex­u­al mar­riages in their respec­tive coun­tries ? If it is Qur’an­ic to allow for same-sex mar­riages, then why are Mus­lims not prac­tic­ing this so-called Qur’an­ic” injunc­tion, as per the claim of the missionary ?

Fur­ther, we also chal­lenge the mis­sion­ary to inform us why same-sex mar­riages are being allowed in his coun­try, i.e. the Unit­ed States, as well as oth­er west­ern nations which has a siz­able Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ty ? For us, it is thus very con­clu­sive that the legal­i­sa­tion of homo­sex­u­al mar­riages has an exam­ple, and this exam­ple can only be obtained from the Bible, i.e. (as per the Bib­li­cal account of) Daniel and their Satan­ic apos­tle from Tarsus.

And only God knows best !Endmark

  1. See our arti­cle on Lying in Chris­tian­i­ty. It is the nature of their reli­gion to strong­ly encour­age lying and decep­tion in their beliefs ![]


7 responses to “Refut­ing Mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions : Homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in the Con­text of Islam­ic Teachings”

  1. shadowofears Avatar

    If Jesus is sav­iour and paid the price of crimes. Why church is pay­ing bil­lions of $ for tear­ing rectums ?
    If price of Chris­tians’ sins and crimes have been paid, why they are pay­ing US$2 bil­lions for sex­u­al abuse of children ?
    Total amount paid out by the U.S. church since 1950 to more than $2 billion
    Set­tle­ment rep­re­sents Church’s largest pay­out in sex­u­al abuse scan­dal on account of sex­u­al abuse by catholic church.
    LOS ANGELES — The nation’s largest Catholic arch­dio­cese will set­tle its cler­gy sex abuse cas­es for at least $600 mil­lion, by far the largest pay­out in the church’s sex­u­al abuse scan­dal, The Asso­ci­at­ed Press learned Saturday.
    Attor­neys for the Roman Catholic Arch­dio­cese of Los Ange­les and the plain­tiffs will release a state­ment Sun­day morn­ing and hold a news con­fer­ence Mon­day, said Ray Bouch­er, the lead plaintiff’s attorney.
    An anony­mous source with knowl­edge of the deal placed its val­ue at $660 mil­lion, by far the largest pay­out in the church’s sex­u­al abuse scan­dal. The amount exceed­ed ear­li­er reports from sources that the settlement.

  2. Syed Avatar

    lol at this, smh @ the time peo­ple waste, Islam would gets crit­i­cized for not tol­er­at­ing homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and here we have some­one crit­i­ciz­ing it by claim­ing it does

  3. Avatar

    This is why Priests are drenched in PAEDHOPILIA !

    Search Google for Pope Priests Paed­hopil­ia’ and see the evi­dence prov­ing indeed that Chris­tian­i­ty breeds homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and paed­hopil­ia amongst the priests and the Pope cov­er­ing for them !

    And on Islaam, you will find Chris­tians and anti_​Islam web­sites lying and deceiv­ing even more by say­ing Prophet Muham­mad is a pae­dophil­ia because he mar­ried Siti Aisyah.

    This is the very exam­ple of the Kuf­far who should be put in hell­fire — they will nev­er believe in Islam, in Muham­mad, instead they have guar­an­teed them­selves an eter­nal tor­ment for their hatred and anomisi­ty and lying about Islam.

    They find faults and invent lies about Islam — they are hurt­ing them­selves Christians !

  4. rambo Avatar


    quote :Frankly, I am some­what dis­ap­point­ed by my oppo­nen­t’s argu­ments. He has brought up pas­sages that have noth­ing to do with homo­sex­u­al­i­ty, even in the most con­ser­v­a­tive trans­la­tion, and he has com­plete­ly to sup­port any of his asser­tions about the pas­sages that do men­tion homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in some trans­la­tions ? open­ly admit­ting that those trans­la­tions are not the best, and that the best trans­la­tions are less con­demn­ing of homosexuality.

  5. DoctorMaybe Avatar

    The NT pro­motes homosexuality

    Slaves, obey your earth­ly mas­ters in every­thing ; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sin­cer­i­ty of heart and rev­er­ence for the Lord.” — Colos­sians 3:22

    Slaves MUST obey their mas­ters. There­fore, a gay mas­ter can order his straight male slave to have sex with him, and the lat­ter must com­ply in order to be a true pagan(christian).

  6. Muslim brother Avatar
    Muslim brother

    One of the most explic­it of authen­tic Islam­ic texts which refutes homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and les­bian­ism is the fol­low­ing text :

    Abd al-Rah­man, the son of Abu Sa’id al-Khu­dri, report­ed from his father : The Mes­sen­ger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said : A man should not see the pri­vate parts of anoth­er man, and a woman should not see the pri­vate parts of anoth­er woman, and a man should not lie with anoth­er man under one cov­er­ing, and a woman should not lie with anoth­er woman under one cov­er­ing. (Trans­la­tion of Sahih Mus­lim, The Book of Men­stru­a­tion (Kitab Al-Haid), Book 003, Num­ber 0667)”

    In light of this state­ment, homo­sex­u­al­i­ty is clear­ly pro­hib­it­ed in Islam.

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