Tag: islamic teachings

  • Reassess­ing The Bina­ry : Chris­t­ian Depic­tions of Jesus and Muhammad

    Reassess­ing The Bina­ry : Chris­t­ian Depic­tions of Jesus and Muhammad

    In the face of Christian polemics, a critical exploration into Islamic teachings offers a pathway to uncovering the true essence of Prophet Muhammad’s message. This approach reveals the depth, compassion, and wisdom of Islam, contrasting sharply with misconceptions. Embark on a journey to challenge narratives, seek authenticity, and illuminate the profound principles of Islam.

  • Chris­tian­i­ty : A Vision of the Future Without.…

    Chris­tian­i­ty : A Vision of the Future Without.…

    The Christian missionaries and their allies have been calling for the destruction of Islam openly ever since the advent of the Internet. A cursory glance at these fanatical and bigoted websites will at once give the dilligent reader an idea of their genocidal tendencies against the Muslim Ummah, unfairly equating Islam with terrorism, and even…

  • Refut­ing Mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions : Homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in the Con­text of Islam­ic Teachings

    In the usual vein of missionary tradition, the missionaries have made a rather pathetic attempt at "refuting" one of our articles which shows the Bible perversion in encouraging homosexuality. Previously, we have shown in another exposition how the so-called "apostle" from Tarsus had displayed some homosexual tendencies. In the later part of this article, we…

  • The Night Jour­ney : The Mir­a­cle of Isra’ and Mi’raj

    The Night Jour­ney : The Mir­a­cle of Isra’ and Mi’raj

    The verse of Isra' in the Qur'an is clear not liable to hesitation or reluctance in saying that Allah had caused His servant to travel by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa like you say; I traveled by night from such and such place to such and such place. So, there is no room…

  • The Life and Times of Muham­mad (P)

    The Life and Times of Muham­mad (P)

    Edward Gib­bon describes the Arabs before Islam in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire as “…the human brute with­out sense is poor­ly dis­tin­guished from the rest of the ani­mal”. From this abject bar­barism, an unlet­tered per­son ele­vat­ed them, as in the words of Thomas Carlyle : “…into Torch-bear­ers of Light And Learn­ing. To the…