Proof of the Chris­tians’ Covert Cru­sade in Malaysia

Assala­mualaikum to all fel­low Mus­lim read­ers. Peace be to the rest.

I have been in the Islam­ic infor­ma­tion ser­vices since 1990. I have met thou­sands of good peo­ple from the West who came seek­ing the truth about Islam at our Islam­ic cen­tre at the Kap­i­tan Kel­ing Mosque in the city of George­town, Penang, which is my home state. In Islam, we do not com­pel any­one to come into the faith. You can lead a horse to the water but you can’t force it to drink ! A clas­sic proverb that explains it all so perfectly.

I used to have the Chris­t­ian vis­i­tors sit with me and my friends in the mar­bled walk­ways of the mosque’s inner sec­tions. We used to answer their numer­ous ques­tions about Islam. What the prin­ci­ples of Islam are and why Islam makes sense. Some of those vis­i­tors had actu­al­ly been on a soul-search­ing trip to our mosque for which they had been sav­ing up for some time. Word of mouth by those who had ben­e­fit­ted from our infor­ma­tion ser­vices at IPCI (Malaysia) gets around and these peo­ple real­ly meant to come seek the truth for what it is.

Many a time we came across indi­vid­u­als who, after being with us for a cou­ple of days, study­ing, research­ing and ask­ing count­less ques­tions, even­tu­al­ly come to embrace Islam and Alham­dulil­lah, some took the Sha­hadah from me and my friends. Even­tu­al­ly, these new Mus­lim broth­ers and sis­ters from the USA, Britain, Aus­tralia, Cana­da, etc., return home to their coun­tries and passed on the message.

I have had peo­ple ask for us by name and they spend time with us in the mosque, learn­ing about their birthright to be Mus­lims and being smart and intel­li­gent, they end up tak­ing Sha­hadah with us and in turn, go out to preach the truth about Islam, Allah’s Code of Life for all of mankind.

Today, we see Mus­lims being propo­si­tioned by Chris­t­ian evan­gel­i­cal groups and mis­sion­ar­ies relent­less­ly with a zeal that astounds us. Day by day, they seek out the weak, the poor, the sick, the des­ti­tutes amongst the Mus­lims of Asia and work their way in. Many of these mis­sion­ar­ies work under guise of char­i­ties and relief effort workers.

By doing a bit of research, what do I find ? Count­less projects by the Chris­t­ian Glob­al Mis­sion­ar­ies out with a purpose…to con­vert the Mus­lims to their creed.

Among those which I found are these :

They even have a 30-Day Study of Ramadan and its spe­cial mean­ing to us Mus­lims. Their mis­sion­ar­ies are encour­aged to study the facts and fig­ures of Islam­ic teach­ings yet use this knowl­edge to sow seeds of doubts and draw the weak and meek amongst the Mus­lims to Believe in Jesus as the Lord Almighty”. Na’uzu bil­lahi min zaa­lik !

It bog­gles the mind to see the extent to which these evan­ge­lists are going all out to rope in the poor, the fee­ble and the weak of faith amongst the Mus­lims. The Mus­lims of the world need to wake up to this strat­e­gy of the kuf­far and put their affairs right. Maybe the wan­der­ing Jamaat Tab­lighs of the world who waste their pre­cious time wor­ry­ing” about Islam should come to their sens­es and instead of harangu­ing the Mus­lims, go after these mis­sion­ar­ies. That would be a sight to see ! A friend of mine by the name of Mirza apt­ly referred to the Jamaat as Tab­lighones”.

The Prophet Muham­mad left us a clear and com­plete mes­sage. A way of life enjoined by Allah ta’ala. Now comes this group, inno­vat­ing a sys­tem that is entire­ly thought up by a Maulana Ilyas and a Maulana Zakariya from Deoband, India, going out on a 3 days, 40 days, 4 months da’awah walk­a­bout” espe­cial­ly to the IPB coun­tries !IPB mean­ing India, Pak­istan and Bangladesh. There is a whole web­site ded­i­cat­ed to the uncov­er­ing of these way­ward group’s activ­i­ties here. Read and study for your­selves about this group’s shenanigans.

When I come to think about the hadith of Rasu­l­ul­lah SAW about the Ummah divid­ing them­selves into 73 sects and move­ments where­by 72 of these way­ward sects will be in the Hell­fire and only the one Ahlul Sun­nah Wal Jamaah will be saved, I think of this and the numer­ous oth­er groups crop­ping up amongst us, each claim­ing to be The Cho­sen Ones.

May Allah SWT guide us all. Ameen.Endmark



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22 responses to “Proof of the Chris­tians’ Covert Cru­sade in Malaysia”

  1. Andrew Hurley Avatar
    Andrew Hurley

    There is no need to lie about Islam, there is no need to speak slan­der against Mus­lims. There is no need to speak against Allah, or make say evils things about His Prophet.

    Yeshua has said that upon the ‑rev­e­la­tion that He is the Son of Elohim‑, he would build his assem­bly : So if hell shall not over­come the rev­e­la­tion, how can man ?

    Pharaoh began a fight against YHVH Elo­him and lost. YHVH Elo­him made sure that the whole world would know that those who fight against him will sure­ly be hum­bled. Like­wise with Sha’ul who was per­se­cut­ing the fol­low­ers of Yeshua : Sha’ul went against the advice of his own Torah teacher Gamaliel, and per­se­cut­ed the fol­low­ers of Yeshua, but Yeshua met him on the way to Dam­as­cus, remind­ing him of his teacher’s advice. When a man makes a fight with God, who will win ? When a man beats his wife don’t they both hurt ?

    The zeal to evan­ge­lise the whole world is a work of the Holy Spir­it of God, and not of our­selves only : … So can a fish­er­man per­suade 3000 souls in one day, with­out the pow­er of God ?

    The light of the world shines in the dark­ness, the pow­er of God blows in like the wind. Those who are unloved are loved, and those who are in bondage are set free. In the name and by the blood of Yeshua the Holy One of Israel. Not by might, not by pow­er, but by the Holy Spir­it of God.

  2. Yona M Avatar
    Yona M

    I chance upon your web­site and found it inter­est­ing. I am a Jew and prob­a­bly the only Jew that has respond­ed to this web­site. I am not pro Jew­ish, anti Moslem or anti Chris­t­ian. I am human, believ­er in the One God that our respec­tive faiths of the Abra­ham­ic covenant are pur­port­ed to follow.

    I would to cor­rect an impor­tant mis­con­cep­tion. While it is true the Jews con­sid­er them­selves God’s Cho­sen Peo­ple”, that has noth­ing to do with arro­gance. Both Islam and Chris­tian­i­ty rec­og­nize that the Jew­ish peo­ple were to first to be called to the faith of the One God and giv­en the Torah on Mount Sinai. The Torah (which cor­re­sponds to the first 5 books of the Chris­t­ian Old Testament)provides the foun­da­tion for both the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible. Cho­se­ness implies a spe­cial rela­tion­ship, one of servi­tude to the One God and not about look­ing down on the rest of human­i­ty. Judaism is a non judg­men­tal reli­gion that does not focus on heav­en or hell. Nowhere in Hebrew Bible (which cor­re­sponds to the Chris­t­ian Old Tes­ta­ment) does it talk of non believ­ers going to hell. This con­cept was first intro­duced in the Chris­t­ian Gospels. There­fore, Judaism does not judge Moslems nor Chris­tians and main­tains that the right­eous of all nations will have a place in the world to come”.

    What Judaism does do is to focus on right liv­ing, eth­i­cal con­duct and jus­tice. Jews have been in the fore­front of social change, sci­en­tif­ic achieve­ment and artis­tic excel­lence through­out human his­to­ry from Moses to Jesus, from Ben­jamin Dis­raeli to Karl Marx and from Albert Ein­stein to Steven Spielberg.

    Judaism pre­dat­ed both Chris­tian­i­ty and Islam. The first Chris­tians were main­ly Jews and Chris­tian­i­ty ini­tial­ly grew as a sect with­in Judaism, deriv­ing its ini­tial forms of wor­ship from Judaism and meet­ing in the syn­a­gogue or Jew­ish house of wor­ship. Chris­tian­i­ty start­ed to devi­ate from its Jew­ish begin­nings only in the 2nd-3rd cen­tu­ry after it first appeared when Jew­ish Chris­tians were out­num­bered by Gen­tile Con­verts and with the con­ver­sion of the Roman poli­ty to Christianity.

    There is much sim­i­lar­i­ty between Islam and Judaism. There were thriv­ing Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ties (and small­er Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ties) in the Ara­bi­an penin­su­la dur­ing the time of Moham­mad although most of these com­mu­ni­ties ceased to exist with­in the first cen­tu­ry of the rise of Islam. Both Jews and Moslems do not eat pork and do not per­mit graven images of any kind in their house of wor­ship. Jew­ish dietary prac­tices (kosher) have sim­i­lar­i­ties with Moslem halal prac­tices. For exam­ple ani­mals are brought to a quick death by a slit to the carotid arter­ies and the car­cass of the ani­mal is hung upside down to drain the blood. These laws are described in detail in the Torah. Final­ly, both Moslems and Jews pray in the direc­tion of their holy cities — Mec­ca in the case of Moslems and Jerusalem in the case of Jews.

    Jews do not want to fight with Moslems nor Chris­tians. It is sad that Israel is much maligned as we have no voice to speak to in coun­tries like Malaysia so there is lit­tle prospect for under­stand­ing. Jews are not inter­est­ed in tak­ing over the world nor can we do so even if we want­ed to. We are too few in num­ber with only 13 – 14 mil­lion world­wide. It is easy to hate us when you are not even able to speak with us so you imag­ine us as gar­golyes bent on world domination.

    Not every Jew is smart nor rich. Although the Israeli econ­o­my grew by 5 – 6% per annum last year (inspite of the war in Lebanon) and it has a per capi­ta income of close to US$20,000 with high-tech exports to many coun­tries, unem­ploy­ment is at 8.5% and the pover­ty rate exceeds 20%. There is only one Jew­ish nation in the world. It is so small, prob­a­bly no larg­er than the state of Selan­gor and very dry as it is locat­ed in a semi-arid region of the world with long dry sum­mers. Nor does Israel have any oil or gas. All it has is the tal­ent of its 6 mil­lion peo­ple try­ing to make a liv­ing in a pret­ty unfriend­ly neighborhood.

    So this busi­ness about cho­se­ness is not some­thing we are proud of. It is a yoke that is heavy to car­ry and in a world full of hate and mis­ery we can only enjoin with our Moslem and Chris­t­ian broth­ers to pray for peace. My hope is for Israel to be accept­ed among its Arab neigh­bors and Chris­tians, Moslems and Jews to work for world peace togeth­er. You see, we Moslems, par­tic­u­lar­ly the Arabs are after all semit­ic cousins and share a com­mon ances­tor in Abraham/​Ibrahim. And Jesus, who inspired Chris­tian­i­ty was Jew­ish — he lived his life as Jew, was true to Torah, enlight­ened the mean­ing of Torah and died a Jew is regard­ed by both Chris­tians, Moslems (and some Jews) as the Messiah.

    Moses taught the Law, Jesus taught Love and the Prophet Moham­mad taught sub­mis­sion to God and there is actu­al­ly a lot of com­mon­al­i­ty in all of these mes­sages because the com­mon thread must be about respect for each oth­er because if we love God we must after all love each other.

  3. g.kumar Avatar


    Com­mon man don’t get involved in this fight.Christian mis­sion­ar­ies are known to cre­ate tru­ble in every part of the world. If I have to choose a bet­ter dev­il between the two — will choose Islam. It’s any­time bet­ter than Chris­t­ian teach­ing. But sup­port­ing one of them would be escap­ing from tiger’s mouth and falling into croc­o­dile’s mouth. You sup­port Chris­tians in Malaysia think­ing we are minori­ties, they will put car­rot in your *** like what they are known to do.

  4. Shadowofears Avatar

    Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies are using in the Islam­ic world, these new meth­ods have been applied because the old meth­ods did not prove as effec­tive as the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies thought they were. Some of the prob­lems were the great gap between Islam and Chris­tian­i­ty such as the prin­ci­ple of trin­i­ty and esca­la­tion of Jesus PBUH. Some of these new ways are:-
    1) Mis­guid­ing, mak­ing sim­i­lar, lying (taD­Dlel, khida3, labs Al-7aqaiq) Many books have been writ­ten for Mus­lims, keep­ing the belief of Mus­lims, their ideas and gen­er­al prin­ce­ples in mind. The book sha­ha­dat Al-Quran” which was dis­trib­uted all around the Islam­ic world, even in Sau­di Ara­bia. This book was tak­en from the book The Lord is one” for Zakariya Boutros. This book talks about the sim­i­lar­i­ties between Islam and Chris­t­ian faith. They, for exam­ple, quote the verse that refers to prophet Jesus PBUH as a prophet, a word and a spir­it. They say that is orig­i­naly the same trin­i­ty ! Of course this is a false inter­pre­ta­tion, a lie. Allah said he blew in Adam of his own spir­it, allah gave his word to Moses, David, Ibra­ham, Adam, Moham­mad PBUT and not only to Jesus. The mis­sion­ar­ies base this whole the­o­ry on the fact that there are three nouns, ie just because of the num­ber. One of their oth­er argu­ments that they say that In the name of Allah, the most gra­cious, the most mer­ci­ful” means three gods!! not one ! that is a worst liethan the one before, they ignore that Allah has 99 names that we know, and many more that Allah promised to tell his prophet at the day of judgment.

    2) Build­ing church­es that look sim­i­lar to mosques : Mus­lims were turned off from enter­ing church­es because they looked dif­fer­ent, that also made them feel very uncom­fort­able with them. They also changed the inter­nal struc­ture of the church to look sim­i­lar to a mosque, the peo­ple sit on the floor and in lines. They have cir­cles (7alaqat) for teach­ing and that sort of stuff. They start­ed using a new way for recit­ing the bible that is sim­i­lar to the Tar­teel of Quran. The also try to com­pare Christ in Islam to Christ in Chris­tian­i­ty”. They mis­quot­ed Tafseer Al-jalaleen, and make it sound like the Tafseer says Jesus PBUH knows the time of Domes­day (ya3lamu Assa3a), when you refer to Al-Jalaleen you find that the time of Domes­day is known to be very soon when Jesus comes (to3lamu beno­zoli­hi assa3a). In oth­er words they lie in a shame­fu­ly. This is used to fool the mus­lim who is not edu­cat­ed about his reli­gion. Anoth­er book is Al-saleeb fi al-injeel wal-quran”, where they claim that Shiekh Al-fakhr Al-Razi believes that Jesus was killed on the cross, when you check al-Tafseer Al-Kabeer you find that this is a big lie. Al-Fakhr Al-Razi quot­ed a ques­tion from a Chris­tiana guy then took pages to answer it so they quot­ed the QUESTION of the Chris­t­ian guy!!! This is one of many examples.

    3) Names : they start­ed using Islam­ic names, for exam­ples one of their radio sta­tions that has a per­son that is respon­si­ble for answer­ing the ques­tions of the lis­ten­ers is called Shiekh Abdal­lah”, his pro­gram is called Allahu Akbar”, oth­er radio sta­tions are called Sawt Al-7aq”, noor 3ala noor”. They can use dif­fer­ent names but they use these only to con­fuse mus­lims with their mis­guid­ed preaching.

    4) The start­ed a new way, not to tell mus­lims things as they are, for exam­ple not to tell them that Xtians believe that Jesus is the Son of Allah (a3ooth Bil­lah), since Jesus him­self did­n’t use that expres­sion, so they use oth­er words like the spir­it of Allah” since it is clos­er to the under­stand­ing of a mus­lim. They also use titles that are com­mon between the two reli­gions such as Assalah”, Assawm”, Assadaqa” which include Chris­t­ian pro­pa­gan­da but a title that is used to hunt mus­lim readers.

    5) The use of Islam­ic expres­sions such as bis­mi­lal­hi Al-Rah­mani Al-raheem”, Jesus Alai­hi assalam”, Allah sub­hanah”, Allah tabarak wa ta3ala” … call­ing their church­es boy­oot Allah” (hous­es of God). They some­times even claim to accept Islam as a reli­gion from God, but they say that Chris­tian­i­ty was not can­celed by Islam ! (ghayr-nasekh). There is a book called deen Al-Masee7 lam Yon­sakh” by Iskan­dar Jadid (Xtian), he also mis­quot­ed Al-Jalaleen claim­ing that they said that mus­lims must ask the peo­ple of the book Is’a­lo ahlal-thikr” when in fact Al-Jalaleen were explain­ing that Allah was ask­ing the Kufar to check with Ahl Al-Kitab that Allah always sent MALE mes­sen­gers only, like Jesus, Moses, David … etc pubt. And to ask them onyl about that, not any­thing else.

    6) Mak­ing con­ces­sions to win mus­lims : for exam­ples mak­ing Qudas (Chris­t­ian cer­e­mo­ny) on Fri­days not on Sun­days to con­fuse mus­lims, this was done in Kuwait for example.

    7) Accept­ing the prin­ce­ple of polygamy. A fun­ny thing to men­tion, In Eng­land, there was a con­fer­ence in 1409 AD for priests (assaaqi­fat Al-Injeel) and a big dis­cus­sion took place about polygamy, many of them total­ly reject­ed that issue and said that this is one thing they use against Islam, but they faced the prob­lem that if they did­n’t allow polygamy they will lose their cam­paigns in Africa, after real­iz­ing that, they allowed it. There are catholic priest in Africa with 40 wives or more.

    8) They say that many mus­lims have changed to Chris­tian­i­ty and they pub­lish books and cas­settes about that. For exam­ple the book limatha sir­tu masee7iyan?” for a writ­ter sul­tan Muham­mad Bolous”, a weird mix of Chris­t­ian and mus­lim names, they claim in this book that this per­son was a mus­lim from Afghanistan who was the son of a schol­ar and went to Mec­ca to do Hajj, asked Allah for one thing which was to give him the true guid­ance, then the book says they he accept­ed Chris­tian­i­ty, the rest of the book is attacks on Islam that appear to be writ­ten by some­one who has done a whole lot of research and is very deep into Islam­ic issues. It is very obvi­ous that this book is false and forged, this is a way that is used quite a lot by Chris­tians and even shi3a and the oth­er mis­guid­ed, lost sects who claim that Ahlul-sun­na wal-jama3a do the same thing (go to Hajj and ask for true guid­ance and accept their sect .. ). Anoth­er book Sudan rush­es to God”, giv­ing a lot of sto­ries about many peo­ple who came back to Xtian­i­ty, many of them are actu­al­ly orig­i­naly Chris­tians who strength­en their bond with the (Adden Al-Man­sookh, deen Al-Kaneesah) unright­eous way. some oth­er cas­es they to be orig­i­naly mus­lims. We say in answer In Tastafti7o faqad Ja’akom Al-Fat7u”, Sudan is rush­ing to Allah because Islam­ic law is being applied more and more day by day, The Xtian mil­i­tary state in the south los­es more and more and now it is a lit­tle insignif­i­cant group that has no place to stay, the kafir tribes in the south are com­ing into the reli­gion of Allah. Like Allah said in his book, when the vic­to­ry of Allah comes, and you see the peo­ple com­ing into Islam in big groups then do tasbee7” for Allah and thank him a lot, aski him for for­give­ness because he is Attawab. (surat Al-FatH).

    9) Tak­ing the chil­dren from their par­ents and rais­ing them accord­ing to their belief. for exam­ple in Eng­land they start­ed spe­cial Hotels for chil­dren where they stay there with no con­nec­tion with their par­ents, the work­ers there speak many lan­guages, fun­ny how most of them are mus­lim spo­ken lan­guages (eg Ara­bic). Anoth­er exam­ple is Bosnia chil­dren who were tak­en from Bosnia in Italy and France where they are raised accord­ing to Xtian belief, chil­dren who are 3month-3years old who know noth­ing about their orig­i­nal reli­gion. Even if these chil­dren dis­cov­er what hap­pened to them they will still have doubts from what was taught to them for all their lives.

    10) Edu­ca­tion Cur­ricu­lums : In Egypt the Chris­tians there protest­ed and asked to remove the vers­es of Quran and the Hadeeths from cur­ricu­lums, they write sev­er­al arti­cles in the news­pa­pers. And how fast do you think did the gov­ern­ment answer ? in a very short while the cur­ricu­lums were changed and the vers­es and Ahadeth were dropped, the gov­ern­ment used the excuse the mate­r­i­al was too hard for the chil­dren”, com­pare that to how they teach mus­lims to for­get Allah and accept Kufr such as Jesus is the son of God.

    11) The use of Nat­ur­al dis­as­ters : Such as wars, floods, … etc, for exam­ple in Sudan they had such things when Sudan had its star­va­tion, mus­lims had to choose either take food+Kufr, or stay a mus­lim, but a hun­gry mus­lim. It is also sad that the aids that mus­lims send were dis­trib­uted by Chris­tians such as the Red Cross and oth­ers, these funds were sent by Mus­lims in the Gulf and the rest of the world for the mus­lims in Soma­lia, Sudan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan. It is also sad that all the aid that goes to Bosnia is giv­en by Ger­man insti­tu­tions, what do we expect from these peo­ple ? they use they funds and resources to spread their reli­gion and to spread hatred of one mus­lim towards the oth­er (“the cross comes with food for you, your mus­lim broth­ers for­got you”).

    12) Mak­ing con­di­tions easy for new con­verts from Islam to Xtian­i­ty : These con­verts are treat­ed by oth­er mus­lims as a trai­tor and some­thing shame­ful, and that is the truth. They also saw that new con­verts feel left and aban­doned, they also do not find full sat­is­fac­tion with Xtian­i­ty. Some­thing i want to men­tion, a book a looked at Al-Masi7i Al-Mubashir bay­na Al-Mus­limeen” (The Chris­tians mis­sion­ary among mus­lims). This book was print­ed in Lag­hous in Nige­ria and was giv­en to all the mis­sion­ar­ies in that area, this books explains how the mis­sion­ary can get the best results of his preach­ing. It says : ” the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary must offer a great love for new con­verts, as well as reg­u­lar mus­lims, be nice to him. Learn about Islam not only to dis­troy mus­lims belief, but also to under­stand the sim­i­lar­i­ties between Islam and Xtian­i­ty so that YOU START WITH THESE POINTS. Talk to them about Jesus, tell them that he loves them and that he is their Sav­iour. Do not argue the faith, give them a gen­er­al idea, a fast answer, even try to make it as a joke. Espe­cial­ly the trinity,or the idea that Jesus is god (Addi­tion from the per­son typ­ing this arti­cle PS:this exactel­ly is what Xtian mis­sion­ar­ies on the Usenet do), log­i­cal con­clu­sions and dis­cus­sions then we will fail, there­fore we must ignore the sub­ject or even make it a joke, also use sim­i­lar things, for exam­ple Ibn-Ass­abell, say that Jesus is Ibn-Ass­abel” and that is a great lie because these mis­sion­ar­ies say that Jesus is son of god not Ibn-Ass­abel. Some of the advis­es that are used in that book avoid dis­cussing the prophet Moham­mad (we add Sal­la Allahu Alai­hi Wa Sal­lam) and tell them that God will eval­u­ate Moham­mad, you don’t eval­u­ate him. Also use the point of free­dom of reli­gion, use the verse from Quran that says that.” It is known to mus­lims that fi a mus­lim changes reli­gion his pun­ish­ment is to be killed, the prophet PPOABUH said if a mus­lim changes reli­gion then kill him.” Also the book says Do not try to change the reli­gion of the mus­lim right away, try to first make them accept Jesus as their lover and Sav­iour, then you must encour­age them to get bab­tized and declare their new reli­gion.” The book also says mus­lim con­verts must not mar­ry Chris­tians, it has been proven that he may mar­ry anoth­er mus­lim women” but the truth is that in many cas­es con­verts into Chris­tian­i­ty change back into Islam and their Chris­t­ian wives change with them too. Chris­t­ian girls must mar­ry Chris­t­ian youth.

  5. John Kactuz Avatar
    John Kactuz

    [Admin — Delet­ed for hate speech against Mus­lims and Islam.]

  6. dav Avatar

    I am a chi­nese, I was nei­ther a mus­lim or a chris­t­ian but I am now a chris­t­ian. To me there is no point argu­ing what fore­fa­thers of Euro­pean or Arabs have done in the pass(eg. force con­ver­sion, cru­el­ty, injustice…list goes one) Why both­er with some­one else’s fore­fa­thers had done ? You can argue till the next ice age and to the next, it will not reach any con­clu­sion. What I would like to encour­age all is to equipt your­self with the text of both faiths. Spend time to read them and under­stand them with and open mind.

    We should apply sound rea­son­ing and not be bias to quote only part of a text just to make our argu­ment sound good n con­vinc­ing. What is the point by doing that ? Would God be hap­py of the per­son been con­vert­ed due to a half truth or a lie ? Or would Satan be ? Thanks to lewis said on 29 Octo­ber 2006”.

    We all know the old testement(Torah) was writ­ten by the Israelite of old times. Please do not bring mod­ern day Israel into the pic­ture. That would be clasi­fied under mordern day Mid­dleEast Pol­i­tics n Strug­gle. After which there are books of Phrophets of Israel. The phrophets were specif­i­cal­ly called to speak to the peo­ple n nation of Israel then. All are the books makes up the Old Tes­ta­ment of the Bible. The Gospels of Jesus Christ togeth­er with the record­ings of his dis­ci­ples are the New Tes­ta­ment. 600 years lat­er then came Mohammad(PBUH). Who was told by an angel to resite the parts of vers­es of the Quran on sep­a­rate times. After Mohammad’s(PBUH) death, his fol­low­ers rec­ol­lect the vers­es from mem­o­ry n patch­ments and con­sol­i­date them into Quran. There were prob­lems dur­ing the com­pi­la­tion but we will not dis­cuss the matter.

    So Judaism, Chris­tian­i­ty and Islam do have com­mon root. How­ev­er, there are dif­fer­ences of text in Quran com­pared to Torah/​Books of the Phrophets and also Bible’s New Tes­ta­ments. Mordern day Islam­ic schol­ars are not able to explain why there are dif­fer­ences of text of in the Torah/​Bible. Only expla­na­tion for scrip­tures that are sup­pose to be the same but now is not con­nect­ed or point­ing at dif­fer­ent phrophe­cies is some­one must have altered/​corrupted the scrip­tures. At this point, I would like to ask all to use rea­son to decide which of the scrip­tures is right and which is cor­rupt­ed. If u think one of it is cor­rupt­edl, the which part of it is corrupted.

    The torah n the bible which have a good link­ing of char­ac­ters and sto­ry line, writ­ten by many authors as com­pared to Quran, com­ing from one source claim­ing the author­i­ty of the most high, and of the phrophets from a land hun­dreds of kilo­me­ters away but does not have any link­age to them. Which is cor­rupt it is up to you to decide, but aways remem­ber, are you mak­ing God hap­py or are you mak­ing Satan hap­py ? The answer ? God will aquire of you when you are pre­sent­ed before Him, after your death. No one can answer on your behalf. Not a priest, iman, rev­erend, mul­lah, pas­tore, sami or politi­cian will be able to answer for you.

  7. Truth Avatar

    Guys, give me a break. Do not con­demn oth­er reli­gion. Both Chris­t­ian and Islam come from the same root, so why fight amongst us ? If the Chris­tians believe in Jesus, so be it. If the Mus­lims believe in Islam teach­ing, so be it. If you are talk­ing about num­bers of peo­ples con­vert into Islam, then how about num­bers of Mus­lims con­vert into Islam by their free will ? The choic­es if up to the indi­vid­u­als. C’mon, believe in what you believe in and STOP com­par­ing and con­demn­ing oth­er reli­gions. I’m a Chris­t­ian and I believe in Jesus. That’s mat­ter for me. I believe in Jesus because He’s the Way, the Truth and the Life. I know for Mus­lims Jesus is just a Prophet. So what ?

  8. AbuYoushaa Avatar


    Invite (mankind, O Muham­mad SAW) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islâm) with wis­dom (i.e. with the Divine Inspi­ra­tion and the Qur’ân) and fair preach­ing, and argue with them in a way that is bet­ter. Tru­ly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.”

    As for you quot­ing the above ayah of the Qur’an and writ­ting a lot of hater crap, shows you need to read the ayah carefully.

    Regard­ing the Tabli­gi Jamaat, I am sure if you used your eyes and tried to use your brain with it you might have noticed how many peo­ple around the world have change because of its work. You so-called Salafi’s would and con­tin­ue to jump up and down, ready for an argue­ment, should chill out and analayze.

    It start­ed as a revival for Mus­lims O Mus­lims, become Mus­lims”. You might know that just by call­ing your­self a Mus­lim and going Shirk does not make a per­son a Mus­lim. Most of my vil­lage upto the 70’s did some sort of shirk until the Jamaat came. No one would let them in the Masjid’s. They had to do Salat in some­ones guest­house. Now most of the vil­lage has stopped wrong prac­tis­es and all the Masjid’s allow them in. There are many such cas­es inter­na­tion­al, even where whole vil­lages and towns have become Mur­tad and because of the works of Tabil­ghi Jamaat the peo­ple have become Mus­lims. Yes a lot of times they (as Tabil­ghi Jamaat) do not talk to peo­ple who call them­selves non-Mus­lims but indi­vid­u­al­ly peo­ple who join with the works of the Jamaat do talk to non-Mus­lims. I per­son­al­ly know of 5 peo­ple (from the top of my head) in my area who have become Mus­lims through peo­ple who are link to the Jamaat. 2 whites (for­mer Chris­tians), 1 Indi­an (for­mer Sikh), 1 Zim­bab­wean (for­mer Chris­t­ian), 1 Con­golese (for­mer Chris­t­ian and mem­ber of the oppo­si­tion in for­mer Zaïre!). So it is more a wake up for Mus­lims and peo­ple who call them­selves Mus­lims, a handspan”, a first step, so they can move on and imple­ment Islam ful­ly in there lives.
    Per­son­al­ly I did not like the way they did there dawah at one time, because I thought I knew bet­ter. That was until, a per­son who was return­ing from Rai­wand (where there is the sec­ond largest gath­er­ing of Mus­lims in the world every year) near Lahore said to a con­duc­tor of a Toy­ota Hiace.…(you must know the line)…we have read the Kalima.…now you read it…why is he ask­ing Mus­lim I thought (I was very crit­i­cal of the Jamaat as I was a Ghair Muqallid)…anyhow to my shock and amaze­ment, the con­duc­tor who lived in the Islam­ic Repub­lic of Pak­istan” did not know it!!! So we had to teach him all the way to Lahore, he just about got it when we jumped off near the Bad­shahi Masjid in Lahore. So this is my expe­ri­ence with the Jamaat. It is pos­i­tive. But you do get peo­ple talk­ing rub­bish some­times. By the way it now inter­na­tion­al, jamaats come out of Makkah and Mad­i­na and my friend told me when he was in Pales­tine in Masjidul Aqsa they where doing bayans there.

    O Mus­lims, become Muslims”

  9. lewis Avatar

    Dear San­tana Kamarudin,

    A care­ful read­ing of Deu­toron­o­my 18:18 will tell you that the new prophet that will be raised among the Israelites is not Prophet Muham­mad (PBUH). The con­text of that chap­ter is that Moses shall not be grant­ed the per­mis­sion to enter the promised land, Canaan ; and God will raise anoth­er leader to lead them into the promised land. In verse 15, Moses said, ” The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me among you, from your broth­ers…” indi­cates that the leader cho­sen is among them (an Israelite) in this case. As for Isa­iah 29:12, it does not speak any­thing about a prophet but of the stub­bor­ness of the Israelites, and there­fore dis­posed to exile.

    I believe there is more room for dis­cus­sion on this.

  10. MAHAGURU58 Avatar

    Wa’alaikum­salam UK_Brother,

    Does stat­ing the truth of deviance con­sti­tute slan­der­ing the Tab­lighis ? I don’t think so. I do not plan to engage in a use­less debate with you whom I can guess to be one of them.

    The Ula­ma’s expose the deviant prac­tices of the Jama’at Tab­ligh. You want to label them and me as Salafis ? Go ahead, it makes no dif­fer­ence to me.

    I write as I do about the Tab­ligh because I know for sure what they do ! They only go dis­turb the Mus­lims who are already observ­ing the oblig­a­tions of Islam. They skip the homes of the Non Mus­lims and do not do any­thing to stop mak­si­at that takes place before their very eyes !

    What does that say about them ? They are deviants and use­less fools who go around mis­quot­ing hadiths and come up with false ones to jus­ti­fy their deviance !

    I don’t give a rat’s ass about your try­ing to speak up for those who clear­ly are mis­guid­ing igno­rants and jahils into fol­low­ing a deviant group that only weak­ens and takes advan­tage of those who are naïve about the true oblig­a­tions of a Muslim !

    Invite (mankind, O Muham­mad SAW) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islâm) with wis­dom (i.e. with the Divine Inspi­ra­tion and the Qur’ân) and fair preach­ing, and argue with them in a way that is bet­ter. Tru­ly, your Lord knows best who has gone astray from His Path, and He is the Best Aware of those who are guided.”

    Al-Qur’an Surah An Nahl Verse 125.

    Allah Sub­hanahu Wa Ta’ala Com­mands us Mus­lims through Rasul Sal­lalahu Alai­hi Was­sal­lam’s exam­ple to Invite All Mankind to Ad Deenul Islam’ with Wis­dom and Beau­ti­ful Preach­ing and to dis­cuss, debate or argue with them the Non Mus­lims in Ways that are Best and Most Gracious !

    Allah SWT does not tell us Mus­lims to go preach just to Fel­low Mus­lims, does He ?

    I mean, hello…if Rasul SAW had done just that, to talk to peo­ple who were with­in his cir­cle and reach, you and me would not be Mus­lims here, debat­ing about a deviant jamaat !

    I have per­son­al­ly tak­en the Jamaat Tab­ligh who come knock­ing on my door as to why they skipped vis­it­ing my neigh­bours who are Chi­nese Bud­dhists, Chris­tians and Taoists,Indian Hin­dus, etc ?

    Their reply ? They aren’t Mus­lims ! Well, if they do not go share the Truth about Islam and teach them, the Non Mus­lims, won’t they be shirk­ing the true respon­si­b­li­ties that Allah SWT has Com­mand­ed those of us who call our­selves as Da’ee’s and car­ry­ing out the works of Tab­ligh in the real sense of the word ?

    I have asked the Jama’at Tab­ligh to join me in com­bat­ing mak­si­at that was tak­ing place before us in my neigh­bour­hood but have always got cock and bull answers in them say­ing that they hve bet­ter things to do than to go con­front the mak­si­at perpetrators !

    Talk about being hypocrites !

    Rasul SAW has in one of his authen­tic hadiths com­mand­ed us : ” Whom­so­ev­er amongst you (Mus­lims) sees an injus­tice take place before you to stop it with your hands (power/​authority/​capabilities); fail­ing which you must speak out against it (go tell them off/​advice/​warn/​confront/​write about it/​expose/​etc); fail­ing which to hate it in your hearts which is a sign of those weak­est in their Iman and close to Kufr!”

    Now, is the Tab­ligh real­ly prac­tic­ing what Allah SWT and Rasul SAW has asked us Mus­lims to do ?

    Think and do your own research about whether the Tab­ligh Jama’at are right or wrong !

    I will keep expos­ing their deviance as long as I live, Insya Allah ! Wabil­lahi Taufeek Wal hidayah !


  11. UK_Brother Avatar

    Salaam Alaikum brother,

    Before slan­der­ing Mus­lims which is a big sin in itself, please do your research into the Tab­lighi Jamaat and Deoband from a non-biased neu­tral source, the web­site you pro­vid­ed is an Indi­an Ahle Hadith/​psuedo Salafi site which IS biased,
    Deoband Uni­ver­si­ty was estab­lished over 100 years ago and fol­lows the Hanafi Mad­hab of the Ahle-Sun­nah-Wal-Jamaat which as you know is one of the four groups of the main body of sun­ni ortho­dox Islam, this is also con­firmed by Al-Azhar Uni­ver­si­ty and the major­i­ty of Sau­di Schol­ars, your quote Now comes this group, inno­vat­ing a sys­tem that is entire­ly thought up by a Maulana Ilyas and a Maulana Zakariya from Deoband, India, going out on a 3 days, 40 days, 4 months da’awah walk­a­bout” espe­cial­ly to the IPB countries!1 There is a whole web­site ded­i­cat­ed to the uncov­er­ing of these way­ward group’s activ­i­ties here. Read and study for your­selves about this group’s shenani­gans.” Is total­ly wrong although they do go on these da’awah walk­a­bout” as you put it they haven’t intro­duced it as part of Islam so it’s not an inno­va­tion if it’s not Islam!!

    It’s fun­ny how you are wor­ried by the Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ary onslaught against the weak Mus­lims in your coun­try then you ridicule this group who are the only group who are preach­ing to the weak non-prac­tic­ing Mus­lims of the world and mak­ing them strong Mus­lims by teach­ing them the deen, so can I ask what was your point in ridi­cul­ing the Tab­lighi Jamaat ?

  12. ROBINS Avatar

    PLs don’t link Chris­tian­i­ty to Anglo Sax­on dom­i­na­tion it would be the equiv­a­lent of link­ing all Mus­lims to ter­ror­ism. Islam also had its fair share of empires & alll these mpires were con­quered from non mus­lim lands​.YOu guys go in into they are lands and force them to convert.Not nec­es­sar­i­ly by sword but by psy­cho­log­i­cal means.Forcing them to pay jizyah,forbiding them from wor­ship­ing publicly,forbidong them from mourn­ing they re dead in public,not allow­ing them to con­struct new tem­ples of worship,not even ren­o­vat­ing htye are places of wor­ship unless necessary(who are u to allow or dis­al­low thi?),not tak­ing they are state­ments in sharia courts sim­ply because they are non-Mus­lims ! ypu say that you are reli­gion of peace but in places which you con­quered you destroy tem­ples and build mosques on the(Bbabri mosque).YOu con­vert CHurch­es into mosques(Hagia Sophia).I have seen writ­ings by an author named Ham­ka that seem to jus­ti­fy these actions. These psy­cho­log­i­cal war­fare done MUs­lim govts are being done by some ppl here too. SOme zealots tell MUs­lims not to wish non­mus­lims dur­ing their celebrations,local coun­cils demol­ish tem­ples, delay approvals for Tem­ple and Churhes for even 25 years !http://​www​.thes​tar​.com​.my/​n​e​w​s​/​s​t​o​r​y​.​a​s​p​?​f​i​l​e​=​/​2006​/​10​/​15​/​n​a​t​i​o​n​/​15733957&​s​e​c​=​n​a​t​ion. So that they can cos­ntant­ly tell non­mus­lims that they r 2nd class cit­i­zens unless they are mus­lims. You ppl say We ought to call what is false­hood as false­hood, and preach the Truth of Islam to every­body”. Yet u say that ur reli­gion preach­es jus­tice and fair­ness. If your reli­gion is about fair­ness then every­one can preach his reli­gion to you as much you can to us ! YOu use con­verts to your reli­gion to launch an aasault on our reli­gion by print­in­fg they are tes­ti­mo­ni­als about Islam and theier views about their for­mer reli­gion. HOw disgut­ing it is to here from a for­mer HIn­du or a Chris­t­ian tell bad things abot his old religion.Yet htis is done by our own GOvt tv every Ramadan​.YOu reli­gious lead­res can tell bad things about our reli­gions in GOvt pub­li­ca­tions such as Dewan Masyarakt, yet no actions from govt under Pub­lish­ing & PRint­ing press­es act or the SEdi­tions act.LOok wat hap­pened to Sarawak Tri­bune after one acci­dent. MUs­lim­in said Jews and Chris­tians will not stop harass­ing you until you fol­low their stray­ing path”, who is doing the har­ras­ing ? Abu Al-Ala Al-Mawdudi’s View : Dis­crim­i­na­tion is Necessary !

    In his book, Rights of Non-Mus­lims in Islam­ic States” which has been trans­lat­ed into many lan­guages, this great schol­ar asserts that we should dis­tin­guish between the rights of non-Mus­lims and the rights of Mus­lims. On pp. 2 – 3, Abu Ala al-Maw­du­di says :

    An Islam­ic state … is by its very nature bound to dis­tin­guish between Mus­lims and non-Mus­lims, and, in an hon­est and upright man­ner, not only pub­licly declares this state of affairs but also pre­cise­ly states what rights will be con­ferred upon its non-Mus­lim cit­i­zens and which of them will not be enjoyed by them.”
    When you ppl look at his­to­ry and say Chris­ta­ians spread they are reli­gion by brute force through con­quest. yet you fail to under­stand that THe MUghal,ottoman,are all colonisers.they came from the out­side to impose” an alien con­cept ” on them by set­ing one law for MUS­lims anoth­er for oth­ers and u ppl shout at the top of the lungs that ter­ror­ism is the response to dis­crim­i­na­tion by non muslims.This coun­try has one law for non-Mus­lims and anoth­er for NON mus­lims, THis isvery unfair SAn­tana kamaruddin!THat’s why non mus­lims have to reject these laws.Will you reject laws that clear­ly dis­crim­i­nate u because of ur reli­gion ? You will prob­a­bly go on a jihad. Many ppl say that jihad is response to dis­crim­i­na­tion and cruelty.I think that your doing the same to.….. evan­ge­lise your religion.THose in glass hous­es should not thrhow stone at oth​eres​.You were also colonis­ers and force con­vert­ers to your religions.

  13. mohd Avatar

    this is racism

  14. Zaki Zaim Avatar
    Zaki Zaim

    Islam is not just a reli­gion, it is a com­plete way of life. From the moment you wake in the morn­ing to the moment you go to sleep at night, all affairs of a prac­tis­ing Mus­lim are reflect­ed by this. This is the what the non-Mus­lims have a prob­lem in under­stand­ing. Reli­gion is not between an indi­vid­ual and his God’; Sec­u­lar­ism in Islam is an alien con­cept which the West wants the Mus­lim nations to embrace, along­side the con­cepts of democ­ra­cy etc. and this is sim­ply impossible.

    As far as the Chris­tians are con­cerned, Allah SWT has described them as being the clos­et in love to the Mus­lims, because amongst them, there are peo­ple of learn­ing and jus­tice who do not hold any ill-feel­ings towards the Mus­lims. Like­wise, the prin­ci­ple of no com­plu­sion’ in reli­gion stands firm for all to see. The ide­o­log­i­cal and the the­o­log­i­cal dif­fer­ences between us Mus­lims and the Chris­tians will con­tin­ue to be debat­ed and discussed.

    Islam remains the fastest grow­ing reli­gion in the world because of it’s log­i­cal and fac­tu­al basis by which many embrace Islam. The author of the fol­low­ing book ( http://​wings​.buf​fa​lo​.edu/​s​a​/​m​u​s​l​i​m​/​l​i​b​r​a​r​y​/​j​e​s​u​s​-​s​a​y​/​c​o​n​t​e​n​t​s​.​h​tml ) has done an exten­sive job in high­light­ing the huge gaps that exist between us and through this book, many Chris­tians have seen the error of their ways, with all due respect.

    One has to only look at the man­ner in which Chris­tian­i­ty was intro­duced into S.E Asia, unlike Islam that was main­ly brought through Arab and South Asian traders, the Catholic Church used brute force to con­vert the native peo­ple to the cross. Dare I say this was the mind­set that has it’s roots in the Churchs’ cru­sades and the inqui­si­tions with­in Europe.

    This same Church tries to lay the charge of forced con­ver­sions’ upon Islam and rais­es the ago-old mis­nomer alle­ga­tions of Islam being spread by the sword’. This has been rebutted so many times, that I present anoth­er angle to this answer here : http://​www​.islamqa​.com/​i​n​d​e​x​.​p​h​p​?​r​e​f​=​43087&​l​n​=​eng

    Peace to all.

  15. Avatar

    Hairudin & Yohanis

    We Mus­lims are oblig­ed to call peo­ple to the Truth of Islaam.

    We have the right to pro­pound the Truth of Islam.

    We ought to call what is false­hood as false­hood, and preach the Truth of Islam to everybody.

    *For this pur­pose, our hum­ble web­site is
    http://​dru​pal​malaysia​.org/​I​s​lam and you are wel­come to read it with the sin­cere inten­tion to learn about Islam, but you are not wel­comed to post dumb kafir comments’

    We have no prob­lem address­ing non Mus­lims as kuf­far or kaf­fir, just like non-believe­ing Jews and Chris­tians are despised by Allah SWT in the Quran because of their lying and ban­ter­ing and deceptions.

    The false­hood should not pre­vail, should not be pro­mot­ed, taught, prop­a­gat­ed — Trin­i­ty is falsehood.

    We Mus­lims dont sub­scribe to your rea­son­ing here.

    Mus­lim broth­ers and sis­ters ! Allah SWT has commanded :

    The only ad Deen for Him is Islaam

    Who­ev­er seek oth­er than Islaam as his reli­gion or ad deen, all his efforts will be wast­ed, and in Akhi­rah he will be among the losers.

    I (Allah) have com­plet­ed this Reli­gion (Islaam)..’

    Jews and Chris­tians will not stop harass­ing you until you fol­low their stray­ing path

    (Not nec­es­sar­i­ly becom­ing a Juda­ic or Chris­t­ian, but maybe a hret­ic, apos­tate, sec­u­lar­ist, or just does­nt care about Islam, but Chris­tians will love to pull you into their folds so that you become their slaves to the white Chris­t­ian-Euro­pean-Anglo-Sax­on world domination)

  16. Avatar

    We Mus­lims dont have to rea­son with you Chris­tians on why Mus­lims should not be preached Chris­tian­i­ty (read Trin­i­ty doc­trine) — becuase Chris­tian­i­ty is a hoax !

    Who invent­ed Trin­i­ty ? Jesus cer­tain­ly did not ! He did not call his mes­sage Chris­tian­i­ty ! Or Trin­i­ty ! He taught TAWHEED — The One­ness of God to the Chil­dren of Israel.

    So many lies, decep­tions, hoax­es, and con­tradici­tions — so why do Chris­tians want to con­vert Mus­lims — to join you in hellfire ?

    We also agree that Jesus was not dead (and Mus­lims belive he was not cru­ci­fied, it was Iscar­i­ot the betray­er who was cru­ci­fied) and we agree that Jesus will return to the earth.

    And lis­ten to this Chris­tians ! Jesus will fol­low the reli­gion of Islaam as brought by Muham­mad, and Jesus (Peace be upon him) will join the Mus­lims and pray behind the Imaam and slay the pigs and destroy the Cross, and kill the Anti-Christ.

    And who are the armies of Anti Christ (Daj­jal) — it will be the sec­u­lar­ists, apos­tates, heretics, Jews and Chris­tians who have been against Islaam !

    We there­fore CALL YOU CHRISTIANS to Islam — that there is no God but Allah, and Muham­mad is His Mes­sen­ger, and we also tell you that Jesus was a Great Prophet, and Mary his moth­er was a pure woman and we revere them.

    *We can invite you to Islam with beau­ti­ful preach­ing and share the Truth of Islam with you but we will not force you to become a Mus­lim with­out your whole­heart­ed com­mit­ment to sub­mit your soul to Allah, God Most Supreme, Most High!*

  17. MAHAGURU58 Avatar

    Broth­er lingswaran,

    Let me tell it to you straight. As a Mus­lim, we believe that There is No Oth­er God but Allah.

    All oth­er deities or faiths is false. As such, we who are true Mus­lims, will not allow our ill-informed brethren to stray away from the faith once they have come to attest that There is No God but Allah !

    Peri­od. One does not acknowl­edge Almighty God, Allahu Akbar and then apos­tate from Him !

    It is a dif­fer­ent sto­ry alto­geth­er for non Mus­lims like your­self. You have the birthright to be a Mus­lim but not one Mus­lim worth his name will force you to be one !

    We can invite you to Islam with beau­ti­ful preach­ing and share the Truth of Islam with you but we will not force you to become a Mus­lim with­out your whole­heart­ed com­mit­ment to sub­mit your soul to Allah, God Most Supreme, Most High !

    That is the para­ble I quot­ed about lead­ing the horse to the water’ but not being able to force the horse to drink’.

    It has to drink on its own.

    Exchang­ing info like this does­n’t real­ly do jus­tice to shar­ing about Islam broth­er. One of these days, if you feel like hav­ing a no strings attached dis­cus­sion about all these over a cup of cof­fee, let me know.

    I’ll be hap­py to oblige. Drinks on me. :) Call me at 016 – 3969881.

    In the mean­time, have a pleas­ant day.

  18. MAHAGURU58 Avatar

    Mankind seems hell­bent on doing as they please espe­cial­ly those who aren’t sub­mit­ting to Almighty Allah, God Most Supreme, Most High.

    Broth­er Collin,
    I appre­ci­ate your thoughts and view­points that true Catholics won’t pros­e­ly­tize to the Mus­lims. I do know that there will always be amongst the Mus­lims, those who are igno­rant about Islam, don’t study their reli­gion, do not prac­tice it, just pay lip ser­vice to the faith and then they will go around fault­find­ing the very reli­gion they are born into.

    It’s human nature isn’t it. Talk as if they know all there is to Islam yet do not walk the talk and don’t know heck what they are talk­ing about in the first place.

    There are mil­lions of such folks all over the world.

    Callers to Islam like me and oth­ers around the world aren’t exact­ly a 100% per­fect in our lifes but as among those who strive to adhere and car­ry out the Com­mand­ments of Almighty Allah as best as we pos­si­bly can, we won’t shy away from fac­ing our know it all’s’ no mat­ter in what form or shape they come !

    In a way, the chal­lenge pro­vid­ed by Biblethumpers is wel­comed by me. There’s only two ways about it.

    We either believe total­ly in Allah or we don’t ! As a bonafide Mus­lim, I stand form in my faith.

    Those who Deny Allah will find out in the here­after as to whether they or we are right in estab­lish­ing that There’s no God but Allah and that Muham­mad is the (Last) Mes­sen­ger of Allah, True God Almighty’

    May Peace be upon us all. Ameen.

  19. Hairudin & Yohanis (Kalimantan) Avatar
    Hairudin & Yohanis (Kalimantan)

    God is Love. Reli­gion comes from God. Reli­gion is between men and God and not men and men. Rela­tion­ship between GOD ALMIGHTY and MEN. I won­der why did man want to take action against oth­er man in the issue of reli­gion par­tic­u­lar­ly on the deci­sion of choos­ing a reli­gion. If a reli­gion is real­ly holy and secred, than only GOD Almighty can take any action. Why should man quar­rel about the issue of con­ver­sion and want to take action accord­ing to the law cre­at­ed by man and NOT GOD. Let GOD take action.…. I hon­our and wor­ship GOD ALMIGHTY but I don’t like to see man fights with oth­er man just because some­one is think­ing he is holy or claim­ing to be his reli­gion is right and the oth­er man reli­gion is not right. Does a man claim­ing to be his reli­gion is right has a locus standy or right to say that he has been giv­en author­i­ty by GOD Almigthy to take action against oth­er peo­ple. GOD is LOVE so show HIS LOVE to oth­er peo­ple and NOT HATRED.…. REPENT PLEASE… Please don’t take RELIGION into your own hand just like peo­ple who likes to take law into their own hand.…

  20. Santana Kamarudin Avatar
    Santana Kamarudin

    My dear friends , i greet you with uni­ver­sal greet­ings of the Prohpets

    Assala­mualaikum w,b,r.

    Answer­ing to broth­er lingswaran, i myself a revert from christianity,the main rea­son i m coming
    back to my birthright that is Islam. Do you know that the holy bible have prophecy
    about the com­ing of the last mes­sen­ger of God the Holy Prophet Muham­mad pbuh in 34 places.
    please check in the old tes­ta­ment book of Deuteron­o­my 18:18 and book of Isa­iah 29:12 and etc.

    yes we have the proverb of not forc­ing the horse to drink, which horse ? the non mus­lim can­not be impose or force them but a mus­lim whose have signed the con­tract of sub­mis­sion, they bound to the law. This is very fair.…if you a cit­i­zen of this coun­try, you are bound to abide the law,but if you choose to reject,then you have to pay the prices…which agreed upon all races..

    Broth­er, when i became mus­lim , you hin­du broth­ers have make my life mis­er­able and yet you talk about tol­er­ance, Islam indeed very tol­er­a­ble reli­gion and the proof is you can still prac­tice your reli­gion in this coun­try freely.….in india you dont have the tallest stat­ue of Muru­ga but in Malaysia you are giv­en, what else you want, if you keep com­plain­ing then trav­el and see.
    Broth­er, if want any books about the truth of Islam please mail us krudin@​pc.​jaring.​my

    May God guide us to His Final mes­sage of the Holy Quran.

  21. lingswaran Avatar

    In a nut­shell, what you’re say­ing that it’s alright for mus­lims to con­vert chris­tians into islam but when chris­tians do the same, it is seen as an attack to the islam­ic faith.
    You said that you can lead a horse to the riv­er but you can’t make it drink. Then what is the point of you dis­al­low­ing mus­lims from con­vert­ing if you can’t make them believe in the islam­ic faith. There are so many oth­er good things that islam teach­es you to do, among them com­pas­sion, love tol­er­ance, help­ing out oth­ers, humil­i­ty and peace, but you choose to ignore all that at the pre­text of defend­ing the islam­ic faith. If the apos­tates are wrong, then leave it to God. It is between him and God. Mohamad him­self nev­er ordered any­one to be put to the death for apostating.

    Fur­ther more, this holi­er than thou” atti­tude is the root of all prob­lem as you all seems to want us to under­stand you, acco­mo­date you and play sec­ond fid­dle. Then what dif­fer­ence are you from the jews who claimed that they are God’s cho­sen peo­ple ? If every­body think that they are right and the rest is wrong, that the rest are kafirs and there­fore full fledge sin­ners doomed to go to hell, then the world is doomed.
    Why can’t peo­ple under­stand that we have more in com­mon than we have dif​fer​ences​.To be tru­ly objec­tive one have to be sub­jec­tive from the ther per­son­’s point of view. Why you all nev­er see from our point of view ?

  22. Collin Nunis Avatar
    Collin Nunis

    In all good­will, while I under­stand your frus­tra­tions of Evan­gel­i­cal Chris­tians com­ing to evan­ge­lise” on the Mus­lim com­mu­ni­ty, I, as a Catholic, on behalf on the Catholic com­mu­ni­ty, will assure that there will be no Catholic group what­so­ev­er that will evangelise.

    In light of the Lina Joy case, we have heard that there may have been unscrupu­lous” Catholics doing the same thing. Let me assure that there are Chris­tians who use uneth­i­cal tac­tics which the Catholics will not resort to.

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