Category: Qur'anic Commentary

  • Clar­i­fy­ing Sūra at-Taw­bah : Aggres­sion and Treaty Ethics in Islam

    Clar­i­fy­ing Sūra at-Taw­bah : Aggres­sion and Treaty Ethics in Islam

    Sūra at-Tawbah addresses conflict and treaty dynamics in early Islam. We explore critiques from Christian critic Sean Rodrigues, providing historical insights and interpretations on treaty ethics and responses to aggression, enhancing understanding of its guidance on intercommunal obligations.

  • Sura al-Fati­ha and the Mis­sion­ary’s Straight Path”

    Some Christian missionaries have the inherent fantasy that Sura' al-Fatihah (the first Sura' of the Qur'an) somehow supports their false pagan doctrine of the Trinity. They will first cite the whole ayaat and then twist this interpretation to suit their false doctrine. Let us now deal with this latest polemic in the following paragraphs.

  • How Tafsir is Performed ?

    If you ask what is the best method of tafsir, the answer is that the best way is to explain the Qur'an through the Qur'an. For, what the Qur'an alludes to at one place is explained at the other, and what it says in brief on one occasion is elaborated upon at the other. But…

  • Does Musi’un” Mean Expand­ing”?

    Intro­duc­tion It has come to our atten­tion that Avi­jit Roy, web­mas­ter of the Muk­to Mona web­site, wrote an arti­cle titled Does the Qur’an Have any Sci­en­tif­ic Mir­a­cles ? One por­tion of the arti­cle on the sub­ject of Sura’ az-Zaariyaat is worth com­ment­ing on, as it is an exhi­bi­tion of some of the com­mon prob­lems with non-Mus­lim…

  • Christoph Heger’s Prob­lem­at­ic Recon­struc­tion” Of The Qur’an­ic Sura 96

    In an arti­cle of his, Christoph Heger has ven­tured to uncov­er what he insin­u­at­ed as the pre-Islam­ic ground lay­er of an orig­i­nal­ly Chris­t­ian text in the Qur’an­ic Sura 96. Let us first present a beau­ti­ful Eng­lish ren­der­ing of the por­tion of this Sura under con­sid­er­a­tion here : Recite in the name of thy Lord who created [cre­at­ed] man from…

  • The­mat­ic Struc­ture of Sura 2

    A list of the thematic structure of the Qur'an, arranged according to the main themes contained within Sura al-Baqarah.

  • The Night Jour­ney : The Mir­a­cle of Isra’ and Mi’raj

    The Night Jour­ney : The Mir­a­cle of Isra’ and Mi’raj

    The verse of Isra' in the Qur'an is clear not liable to hesitation or reluctance in saying that Allah had caused His servant to travel by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa like you say; I traveled by night from such and such place to such and such place. So, there is no room…

  • Furqaan : Com­men­tary on the Zaman-Heger Debate

    Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi When Dr. Christoph Heger, an Ori­en­tal­ist schol­ar with unknown qual­i­fi­ca­tions and dis­put­ed cre­den­tials, wrote his com­men­tary on the open­ing verse of Sura’ al-Furqaan in July of 1999, his trea­tise was sound­ly respond­ed to by Broth­er Shi­b­li Zaman, who is quite famil­iar with the Semit­ic lan­guages employed in the study. While it…

  • Qur’an­ic Com­men­tary on Sura’ Al-Ikhlas (112)

    The secret about Sura' Al-Ikhlas is more than can meet the shallow thoughts of atheists and critics of Islam. This very short chapter contains in it the summary of many concepts that are to lead people to The One True God and to refute the misguided notions about God. Although the Sura' is very short,…