Category: Christian Deception

  • Some Crit­i­cal Thoughts On His Death : Nabeel Qureshi (1983 – 2017)

    Some Crit­i­cal Thoughts On His Death : Nabeel Qureshi (1983 – 2017)

    Nabeel Qureshi's death at 34 due to stomach cancer elicited mixed reactions online, particularly among Muslims and Christians engaged in apologetics. Known for branding himself as an "ex-Muslim," Qureshi authored three polemical books critiquing Islam, developed a profit-driven video course for evangelical audiences, and collaborated with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) on seminars aimed at…

  • Mis­sion­ary Activ­i­ty in Koso­vo and the Caus­es of Mus­lim Conversions

    Mis­sion­ary Activ­i­ty in Koso­vo and the Caus­es of Mus­lim Conversions

    After the last war in Kosovo, the overall economic situation of the country has deteriorated in a drastic way. As is well-known, the end of war meant that Kosovo became a target for many Christian organizations, a phenomenon which seems to accompany every war-emerging country nowadays. The same happened to post-communist Albania, as well as…

  • The Pol­i­tics of Chris­tian­iza­tion in Albania

    Since 1913, when the state of Albania came into existence, the only Muslim state of Europe has continuously been attacked by virulent Christian missionary organizations which aim to Christianize its population. The worst waves of Christianization has been after 1991, when the communist regime collapsed in the country. The communists, who destroyed Islam very badly…

  • Proof of the Chris­tians’ Covert Cru­sade in Malaysia

    Today, we see Muslims being propositioned by Christian evangelical groups and missionaries relentlessly with a zeal that astounds us. Day by day, they seek out the weak, the poor, the sick, the destitutes amongst the Muslims of Asia and work their way in. Many of these missionaries work under guise of charities and relief effort…

  • Al Sir­at­ul Mus­taqi­im : The Mis­sion­ary Book of Deception

    It is known that the Christian missionaries are desperate to resort to the tactics of Paul by using guile and trickery in order to dupe Muslims uneducated in their religion to their worthless cause. Such tactics have been exposed when they attempt to imitate the Islamic calligraphy of Qur'anic verses by applying that calligraphy to…

  • Ara­bic Bible Cal­lig­ra­phy”: Expres­sion of Art or Evi­dence for Deception ?

    The Christian missionaries are well-known for their deception in order to spread their so-called "God-given" purpose to spread the Gospel to the world. This approach is not alien to the missionary agenda, for it is founded upon the very words of Paul, who laid down deception as the missionary approach. It is with this "mission"…

  • Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies Sweep­ing the Islam­ic World

    Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies Sweep­ing the Islam­ic World

    From a tape lec­ture of the same title, Les­son 66. Edit­ed by Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi Let us first dis­cuss some of the new ways that Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies are using in the Islam­ic world, these new meth­ods have been applied because the old meth­ods did not prove as effec­tive as the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies thought they were.…

  • Deal­ing With Anti-Islam­ic Websites

    Deal­ing With Anti-Islam­ic Websites

    One of the down­sides of the Inter­net is that it has giv­en our crit­ics and ene­mies an oppor­tu­ni­ty to pub­licly defame the reli­gion of Islam. I guess this is the price of hav­ing free­dom of speech. Some­times you have to read and hear things which are just plain detestable. The fact of the mat­ter is that…