Category: Hadith

  • The Sto­ry of The Goddesses

    The Sto­ry of The Goddesses

    The emigrants resided in Abyssinia three months during which ‘Umar ibn al Khattab converted to Islam. In their exile, they heard that upon ‘Umar’s conversion the Quraysh had stopped their persecution of Muhammad and his followers. According to one report a number of them had returned to Makkah, according to another, all. On reaching Makkah…

  • Sto­ry of The Cranes or Satan­ic Verses”

    Ibn Sa‘d (d. 230) in his al-Tabaqat al-Kubra (reprint Beirut : Dar Sadir), vol. 1 said : [p. 205] Muham­mad ibn ​‘Umar(*) nar­rat­ed to us : (1) Yunus ibn Muham­mad ibn Fadala al-Zafari nar­rat­ed to me : From his father who said : (2) From Kathir ibn Zayd : From al-Mut­tal­ib ibn ​‘Abd Allah ibn Hantab who said : [(*) Muham­mad ibn ​‘Umar al-Waqi­di (d. 207),…

  • Those Are The High Fly­ing Cranes”

    Ever since the pub­li­ca­tion by Viking/​Penguin in the sum­mer of 1998 of The Satan­ic Vers­es, by Salman Rushdie, inter­est in the ori­gin of those so-called ​“Satan­ic Vers­es” was renewed. That episode, which was repeat­ed by a good num­ber of Mus­lim writ­ers, his­to­ri­ans and Qur’an­ic com­men­ta­tors (some accept­ing it, some reject­ing it, and yet, some oth­ers mod­i­fy­ing…

  • Those Are Their High-Fly­ing Lies Indeed !

    The knowl­edge­able per­son may ques­tion : why raise an issue that have been dis­cussed and put to rest by both Mus­lim and non-Mus­lim schol­ars count­less times ? Well, first­ly, the issue of the so-called ​“Satan­ic Vers­es“As the tra­di­tion of defama­tion against Islam demon­strates, it could only have been the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies who fash­ioned the term ​‘Satan­ic vers­es’,…

  • Nurs­ing of Adults and Per­vert­ed Mis­sion­ary Mentality

    Nurs­ing of Adults and Per­vert­ed Mis­sion­ary Mentality

    In accor­dance with clas­si­cal mis­sion­ary habits, the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary Sam Shamoun — who is noto­ri­ous for his per­vert­ed and filthy mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions — has tak­en the event of Sahla bint Suhail nurs­ing an adult boy, Sal­im the ally of Abu Huza­ifah, as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to assault Islam by call­ing it ​“shame­ful and dis­gust­ing to say the least”. In this paper,…

  • Are Women Equal to Dogs and Donkeys ?

    Are Women Equal to Dogs and Donkeys ?

    Recent­ly a Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary by the name of ​“Lazarus” pub­lished the results of an e‑mail dia­logue with a mis­lead­ing title of ​“Is Islam Women-Friend­ly ?”. A pletho­ra of wild imag­i­na­tion and false inter­pre­ta­tions form the nuclei mate­r­i­al for the above ​“dia­logue”. Most of what was addressed have been dealt with before. How­ev­er, what we are con­cerned with here is…

  • Were She-Mon­keys Stoned For Adultery ?

    Were She-Mon­keys Stoned For Adultery ?

    An amus­ing lit­tle polemic regard­ing a hadith that is record­ed in Sahih al-Bukhari has recent­ly sur­faced and is being cir­cu­lat­ed by some apos­tates from Islam. Nat­u­ral­ly, the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies too had decid­ed to jump on the band­wag­on of smear­ing Islam through a mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tion of this hadith as well. The hadith is record­ed as follows : Vol­ume 5, Book 58,…

  • Hadiths of the Fly (Bac­te­rio­phages)

    Only in mod­ern times was it dis­cov­ered that the com­mon fly car­ried par­a­sitic pathogens for many dis­eases includ­ing malar­ia, typhoid fever, cholera, and oth­ers. It was also dis­cov­ered that the fly car­ried par­a­sitic bac­te­rio­phag­ic fun­gi capa­ble of fight­ing the germs of all these dis­eases. The Prophet Muham­mad — upon him and his House bless­ings and peace — allud­ed to…

  • Were Men Real­ly 60 Cubits Tall ?

    The Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies have recent­ly turned their atten­tion to a hadith which states that the height of Adam(P) was 60 cubits (= 90 feet) tall and have charged this hadith as a ​“sci­en­tif­ic error”. The hadith in ques­tion is from Sahih al-Bukhari and is record­ed as follows : Nar­rat­ed Abu Huraira : The Prophet said, ​“Allah cre­at­ed Adam, mak­ing…