Category: Muhammad

  • Anoth­er Ratio­nal Approach To The Prophet­hood of Muhammad

    Anoth­er Ratio­nal Approach To The Prophet­hood of Muhammad

    So is it possible for the Most Wise to enable a liar to be victorious, assist him, aid him against his opponents and make the end result in his favour and his followers, although this liar continuously invent lies and forgeries against God claiming that He sent him

  • Response To ​“Muham­mad as Al-Amin (the Trust­wor­thy): How His Ene­mies Real­ly Viewed Him” And The Chris­t­ian Missionaries

    Response To Muham­mad as Al-Amin (the Trust­wor­thy): How His Ene­mies Real­ly Viewed Him” And The Chris­t­ian Missionaries

    It has become a habit for some to publish responses to any paper dealing with the issue of Islam, its truthfulness and the falsehood of other religions. This is particularly true of the Christian missionaries as such people do not care whether they provide an efficient responses or not; all they care about is to…

  • In Praise of Muham­mad, the Mer­cy to All the Worlds

    In Praise of Muham­mad, the Mer­cy to All the Worlds

    The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was born into this world on April 9th, 570, Christian era in the lunar month of Rabi'a al-Awwal. His father, Abdallah died during his mother’s pregnancy. And for the first four years he was raised in the relative purity of the desert by a Bedouin woman named Halimah.…

  • A Ratio­nal Approach to the Prophet­hood of Muhammad

    A Ratio­nal Approach to the Prophet­hood of Muhammad

    It is generally well-known that a person who claims Prophethood is either someone of the best or the worst of mankind, and these two extremes can never be confused. This is true indeed, due to the fact that he is either a truthful Prophet of God, thus it is accepted that he should be one…

  • Muham­mad in the Bible : The Shiloh from Arabia

    Muham­mad in the Bible : The Shiloh from Arabia

    It is virtually impossible to read and comprehend the Israeli-altered Scripture without taking into account everything it says and identifying the prophecies that had not been fulfilled at the time of Jesus' departure, and knowing what has since happened in the Promised Land ~ including a thousand years, in Jerusalem and the Promised Land that…

  • Lead­er­ship Qual­i­ties of Prophet Muhammad

    Lead­er­ship Qual­i­ties of Prophet Muhammad

    In Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him), Allah had an uswatun hasana ("the most beautiful pattern of conduct", Surah Al Ahzab, 33:21). There are numerous Quranic verses exhorting Muslims to emulate this exemplar of a human being. Exhortations from the Holy Book aside, a man whose teachings are being followed by…

  • Dan­ish Car­toons — Islam vs. Free­dom of Expression ?

    Dan­ish Car­toons — Islam vs. Free­dom of Expression ?

    Car­toons are doing what so many could not : Uni­fy­ing Mus­lims across the globe. On the oth­er hand, a grow­ing num­ber of brave free­dom-fight­ers, led by jour­nal­ists, are stand­ing up to ​“reaf­firm the prin­ci­ple of free expres­sion.” And non-Mus­lims are won­der­ing why this uni­fied out­rage is a no-show when it comes to seem­ing­ly more impor­tant issues such as behead­ings,…

  • Some Thoughts On The Abhorable Car­toons Of Prophet Muhammad

    Some Thoughts On The Abhorable Car­toons Of Prophet Muhammad

    We all have read about the present state of affairs con­cern­ing the Muham­mad car­toons con­tro­ver­sy and the dement­ed news­pa­pers of the Euro­pean coun­tires who in the so-called free­dom of their press and free­dom of expres­sion chose to pub­lish insult­ing car­toons depict­ing their screwed up imag­i­na­tions of the per­son­al­i­ty of The Holi­est of Allah’s Prophets and…

  • Faith­free­dom Inter­na­tion­al : Islam and the False Alle­ga­tions of Atrocities

    Faith­free­dom Inter­na­tion­al : Islam and the False Alle­ga­tions of Atrocities

    European criticism seems to have lost its sense of justice in dealing with the Prophet(P). All the rates of that criticism seem to be subject to the one consideration that whatever is unfavourable and damaging to the Prophet's reputation must be accepted as true. For example, Answering Islam, a website which is full of lies…