Category: The Qur’an

  • How the Qur’an Was Revealed and Compiled

    How the Qur’an Was Revealed and Compiled

    The following is a video lecture made by Hamza Yusof on July 14th, 1997 and in cooperation with Alhambra Productions. The topic of the history of the Qur’an and its compilation, and forms as part of a “Foundations of Islam” series of lectures. Hamza Yusof gave a good historical background of the Qur’an, its history…

  • In the Fog of History: Review of G. R. Hawting, “The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam. From Polemic to History”

    The issue raised by this monograph thus can only exist, as a historical issue, if there is a marked difference between the Qur’an and what the author parenthetically calls “Muslim traditional literature.” This is precisely the author’s position, and he posits that a historical gap existed between the formation of the Qur’an and the appearance…

  • Response to “Is The Qur’an Corrupted? Biblical Characters in the Qur’an”

    A response to the Christian missionary and polemicist, Jay Smith’s video, “Is The Qu’ran Corrupted? Biblical Characters in the Qu’ran” by Iqra Productions. This video will show that the sources that the Christian missionary Jay Smith uses are dubious, deceptive and have been dealt with extensively by Muslim scholars of the past. It also exposes…

  • Sura’ al-Fatihah and the Missionary’s “Straight Path”

    Some Christian missionaries have the inherent fantasy that Sura’ al-Fatihah (the first Sura’ of the Qur’an) somehow supports their false pagan doctrine of the Trinity. They will first cite the whole ayaat and then twist this interpretation to suit their false doctrine. Let us now deal with this latest polemic in the following paragraphs.

  • Have They No Understanding Of Arabic Grammar?

    They certainly have no inkling about the development of a language, whether it is Arabic or otherwise; grammar was not the machine that produced the Arabic language, rather it is simply a logical explanation to ways of Arabic speech. Due to their inherent stupidity, the Christians do not recognize the correct historicity of its chronological…

  • How Tafsir is Performed?

    If you ask what is the best method of tafsir, the answer is that the best way is to explain the Qur’an through the Qur’an. For, what the Qur’an alludes to at one place is explained at the other, and what it says in brief on one occasion is elaborated upon at the other. But…