
O’ Christ-Wor­ship­pers!” A Qasi­dah Which Refutes Christianity

Ibn al-Qayy­im al-Jauziyyah was a promi­nent Mus­lim jurist dur­ing Islam’s Gold­en Age. Apart from his juris­dis­tic prowess, he was also com­pe­tent in com­pos­ing qasi­dah (Ara­bic poet­ry). Among his more famous works was the qasi­dah enti­tled A’ob­bad al-Maseeh Fi Naqd al-Nas­raniyyah (O Christ-Wor­ship­pers ! In Refut­ing Chris­tian­i­ty). This qasi­dah is well-known in the Mus­lim world and has even been turned into a song. 

The fol­low­ing is the Eng­lish trans­la­tion of the poet­ry from the Ara­bic original.

Vers­es :

    O Christ-wor­ship­pers ! We want an answer to our ques­tion [from your wise ones],
    If the Lord was mur­dered by some people’s act, what kind of god is this ?
    We won­der ! Was He pleased by what they did to Him ?
    If yes, blessed be they, they achieved His pleasure,
    But if He was dis­con­tent­ed, this means their pow­er had sub­ju­gat­ed Him ! 

    Was the whole enti­ty left with­out a Sus­tain­er, so who answered the prayers ?
    Were the heav­ens vacat­ed, when He laid under the ground somewhere ?
    Were all the worlds left with­out a God, to man­age while His hands were nailed ?
    Why did not the angels help Him, when they heard him while he wailed ?

    How could the rods stand to bear the True Lord when He was fastened,
    How could the irons reached Him and [had] His body pinned ?
    How could His ene­mies’ hands reach Him and slap His rear,
    And was Christ revived by him­self, or was the Reviv­er anoth­er god ?

    What a sight it was, a grave that enclosed a god,
    Stranger still is the bel­ly that con­fined Him !
    He stayed there for nine months in utter dark­ness, fed by blood !
    Then he got out of the womb as a small baby,
    Weak and gasp­ing to be breast-fed !
    He ate and drank, and did what that nat­u­ral­ly result­ed,Uri­na­tion and defecation
    Is this [what you call] a god ?
    High Exalt­ed be Allah above the lies of Christians,
    All of them will be held account­able for their libels !

    O Cross-wor­ship­pers ! For what rea­son is this exalted
    and blame [is cast upon those] who reject it ?
    Is it not log­i­cal to break and burn it, along with the one who inno­vat­ed it ?Paul of Tar­sus, founder of Trini­tar­i­an faith
    Since the Lord was cru­ci­fied on it, and his hands were fas­tened to it ?
    That is real­ly a cursed cross to carry,
    So dis­card it, do not kiss it !i.e., don’t glo­ri­fy it

    The Lord was abused on it, and you adore it ?
    So [it is clear that] you are one of His enemies !
    If you extol it because it car­ried the Lord of the Worlds,
    Why don’t you pros­trate your­self and wor­ship graves,
    Since the grave con­tained your god in it ?i.e., since some­one who is a Chris­t­ian abhors the idea of wor­ship­ping a grave, how is it pos­si­ble for them to wor­ship the cross ?Endmark

    So Christ-wor­ship­per, open your eyes,
    This is what the mat­ter is all about. "O' Christ-Worshippers!" A Qasidah Which Refutes Christianity 1

Cite this arti­cle as : Ibn al-Qayy­im al-Jauziyyah, “O’ Christ-Wor­­ship­pers!” A Qasi­dah Which Refutes Chris­tian­i­ty,” in Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma, April 24, 2007, last accessed April 19, 2024,‑christ-worshippers/



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16 responses to “O’ Christ-Wor­ship­pers!” A Qasi­dah Which Refutes Christianity”

  1. Scott Avatar


    1) You are ask­ing the ques­tion, Why does­n’t God just change his mind, his stan­dard of jus­tice, and his nature?” This is an absurd question. 

    2)The Bible nev­er orders any­body to destroy a plant. I checked the verse you quot­ed, and I find noth­ing about plants. 

    3) When Jesus is talk­ing about turn­ing the oth­er cheek” in the Ser­mon on the Mount, he is speak­ing in con­text about not seek­ing ret­ri­bu­tion in court. He is not con­demn­ing all violence.

    4) Eve had the greater respon­si­bil­i­ty because she sinned first and tempt­ed Adam to sin. But both are responsible.

    5) The Bible nev­er says you are respon­si­ble for the sin of Adam and Eve. It says that you inher­it death from them and through death the ten­den­cy to sin.

    I lack the time to cor­rect all of your mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions of Christianity

  2. Quazi Avatar

    Oops.…it should be John 1:1

  3. Quazi Avatar

    Sala­mu Alaikum,
    John 3:16 says that Father’, Son’ and Holy Ghost’ are one.
    How come they are one when Son’ is dead but Father’ & Holy Ghost’ are alive ?

  4. xyz Avatar

    USMAN (in ref­er­ence to your post), while Christ knew full well that He was to die and that He would also be ressurect­ed, that was not the real issue. At the moment of His death, at the time he took all the sins of the world past and present upon Him­self, He was sep­a­rat­ed from the Father. THAT was the real sac­ri­fice. The pain and death were incon­se­quen­tial com­pared to even a moments sep­a­ra­tion from the Father. The cross is a sym­bol of that sac­ri­fice. It is a ral­ly­ing point for Chris­tians, but we most cer­tain­ly do not wor­ship the cross. ”

    ANy FEAR OR SEPERATIONWOULD be soft­ened cause chris­tianties god accord­ing to the gospels, knew that his death was not the END of him.isn’t there a hap­py end­ing to chris­t­ian god’s sui­cide ? satan has pre-knowl­edge that hun­dreds and thou­sands will join him in hell only if he endure pain for a few days and pre­tends to be god.Why would satan give 2 hoots about few days of pain and suf­fer­ing and seper­a­tion” from his evil ?

    …any feel­ings of DISTANCE or ABANDONMENT by the father he might have suf­fered would have been soft­ened by his expec­ta­tion of being inevitably reunitd with him…”

    …god’s plan for the sal­va­tion of sin­ners, a PLAN in which jesus him­self would have PARTICIPATED by ALLOWING him­SELF TO BE EXECUTED, and which as gOD him­SELF jesus would have HELPED DESIGN.Therefore far from feel­ing lone­ly jesus should have enjoyed a sense of coöper­a­tion and fel­low­ship with the father in work­ing towards an emi­nent­ly worth­while objective”

    the first sen­tence in the sec­ond para­graph of the 1st response is cor­rect when it said
    Thus, the sac­ri­fices of ordi­nary human beings before and after Jesus are more IMPRESSIVE than that of Jesus, since unlike them, accord­ing to the gospels, he was ful­ly aware that he would be res­ur­rect­ed and then ascend into heaven.”

  5. shadowofears Avatar

    Atleast Deeroy we have giv­en you chance to show your view point​.How many chances you have giv­en to us ?

  6. Deeroy Avatar

    When I read the About This Site page all that I could think of is that this site was about defend­ing the Mus­lim faith and counter the lies by anti mus­lim polemics around the world.Instead what I found is that you guys are more busy attack­ing the chris­t­ian beliefs rather than defend­ing the Mus­lim faith itself.If this is the best response option you guys have then I sug­gest you guys change ur tagline and the about page.Stick to the cause​.Show why it is lies.Bring out your point.

  7. John Avatar

    Reply to Gajibur :

    Assalam alaikum brother !

    Injil​.org is just anoth­er flag­ship site to con­vert Mus­lims to Kufran­i­ty’.

    Most impor­tant : It is a site from the answer­ing-islam weasels.

    Just ver­i­fy these links before they make any changes!!

    Deceit #1
    Deceit #2

  8. Muhammed Avatar

    Salaam Robert,

    If I say Why did­n’t God just for­gave sins?”, you will say Because God does not go against His word(need blood to erase sins).” But the next state­ment is, God goes against his word(abrogation) in many parts of the Bible. For exam­ple, in the 10 Com­mand­ments, there is a rule which Thou Shall Not Kill”, there is also what Jesus said Turn the oth­er cheek”, but Bib­li­cal God orders the killings of women, chil­dren, infants, plants and animals(see Deut. 2:32 – 37, and 1 Samuel 15:2 – 4).

    Instead of going through what he(Jesus) KNEW what he was going to go through, he could have said, You no longer have to sac­ri­fice in order for ME to for­give your sins, because I am Most-Mer­ci­ful.” You also want us to believe the orig­i­nal sin, some­thing that is obvi­ous­ly unjust. Why am I respon­si­ble for what Adam and Eve did, spe­cial­ly of Eve(in the Bible, Eve is hold­ing the biggest respon­si­bil­i­ty, but in the Qur’an Even AND Adam is held responsible).

    Also you say The pain and death were incon­se­quen­tial com­pared to even a moments sep­a­ra­tion from the Father.” but the Trin­i­ty teach­es that the Far­ther, the Son, and the Spir­it are all one, yet dis­tinct. Sure­ly, the Son being one as the Father would­n’t feel sep­a­ra­tion. Also, God hav­ing the bur­den of feel­ing sep­a­ra­tion” does­n’t seem God­ly. How can some­thing ONE feel sep­a­rat­ed ? This, feel­ing, clear­ly shows what Jesus was, a prophet who is a man(peace be upon him), because he want­ed to be with GOD, the Creator.

    At the moment of His death, at the time he took all the sins of the world past and present upon Him­self, He was sep­a­rat­ed from the Father. THAT was the real sac­ri­fice. The pain and death were incon­se­quen­tial com­pared to even a moments sep­a­ra­tion from the Father.”

    What ? How can GOD BE SEPARATED ? Any­one hear­ing this will say Wait, I though we wor­shiped One God, not 3 sep­a­rate beings.” Trin­i­ty is sup­posed to say that you wor­ship in one God, in 3 per­sons. How can they be all God if they are separated ?

    As for :
    The writer of the ref­er­enced piece, regard­less of his time peri­od, had a fun­da­men­tal mis­un­der­stand­ing of the nature of Christ, His sac­ri­fice, and exact­ly Who Chris­tians worship.”

    I’m sure he only wrote what he saw.

    Also, he is not too” wrong. For exam­ple, one of the 10 com­mand­ments tell us not make idols ! Yes, we see the stat­ues of Jesus, Mary, and oth­er bib­li­cal figures(peace be upon them) almost every church. Now you might argue that they are not idols in the sense that you do not offer any­thing to them and you do not believe they hold pow­ers, but they are idols because they are used dur­ing wor­ship as a visu­al representation”(a reply I got for this before). But John 4:24 says :
    God is spir­it, and his wor­shipers must wor­ship in spir­it and in truth.”

    Can you say that you wor­ship God in spir­it when you have visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tions of him ? Also, you can not deny that there Chris­tians speak to these carv­ings as if they are God ! Per­haps they give a wrong image of Chris­tian­i­ty. But we do see in movies and such, such as Chris­tians light­ing can­dles in front of the cross, or Jesus, or Mar­ry (peace be upon them both) and pray­ing by LOOKING at them, as if they are talk­ing to them and see them. Unlike the way we face(but not look, as we look down) Kiblah(it is a tem­ple and it is for uni­ty of the Mus­lims to wor­ship in the same direc­tion), we don’t believe that the Kiblah is a visu­al inter­pre­ta­tion” of God or any oth­er fig­ure. I do not believe Christianity(from the Bible) is an idol­a­try reli­gion, maybe some Chris­tians are giv­ing the wrong image ?

    Any­ways, I don’t want to derive from the point, the author only wrote what the peo­ple at the time and place thought and did. I agree that just because Jesus was a baby does­n’t mean he was defenseless(even though he ran from Egypt), but the prob­lem is not with the author of the Poem but the Chris­t­ian teachings.

    You say that GOD incar­nat­ed his self in to Jesus and also God is 3 per­sons. How can God do both at the SAME TIME ? Please don’t say he is capa­ble of doing any­thing because the age old ques­tion Can God cre­ate a boul­der which He can not car­ry?” which basi­cal­ly means only think in the realm of rea­son. The Chris­t­ian teach­ings just con­fused him as it con­fus­es many peo­ple today(such as the creation[Genesis], I thought God isn’t sup­pose to be the God of con­fu­sion). By say­ing God incar­nat­ed his self in to Jesus(pbuh), you are say­ing God gave up his God­ly pow­ers, but I nev­er heard, until now, a Chris­t­ian say the SON incar­nat­ed his self in flesh”, which is more easy to under­stand in the case of the incar­na­tion. I always here the claim God LITERALLY incar­nat­ed his self in flesh which we call Jesus.” But, then the author would think you wor­ship 3 Gods. I hon­est­ly think that wor­ship­ing Jesus(pbuh) and oth­ers is wrong. We should only wor­ship God as One, and not in 3 persons.

    Since we are on that part, let us exam­ine what you just said :
    Christ was born in the flesh to live life as man and to be tempt­ed as such. His sin­less life pro­vid­ed the right­eous basis for his sac­ri­fice. He was the Lamb with­out spot or blemish.”

    Is God’s infi­nite knowl­edge an object that can be degrad­ed by mor­tal­iz­ing” in flesh ? How can GOD be tempt­ed or even TRIED ?

    As for your last com­ment, I thank you, because not many peo­ple do this. I think, even though I believe you are wrong, it is the thought that counts.

    I pray to Allah so He may guide you to the True path, Islam.

  9. heman Avatar

    ” At the moment of His death, at the time he took all the sins of the world past and present upon Him­self, He was sep­a­rat­ed from the Father. THAT was the real sac­ri­fice. The pain and death were incon­se­quen­tial com­pared to even a moments sep­a­ra­tion from the Father. ”

    seper­a­tion in your inven­tion means god stopped being god ? did the sec­ond leg of trin­i­ty know what seper­a­tion feels like before he puts it into action/​incarnation ? or does his omni­science and omnipo­tence switch off like elec­tri­cal items ? you said, he was seper­at­ed from the father” this sounds like what human­i­ty has been doing with its chil­dren long before christianity.why do you apply this to god ? if the son was seper­at­ed” he knew that his holy spirt was still CONNECTED with the father,didn’t this holy spir­it + father con­nec­tion ease the seper­a­tion”?

  10. Faruh Rehan Avatar
    Faruh Rehan

    No shelb, for what­ev­er the answers are in the bible, the ques­tions still remain coz still the GOD died. And the idea that GOD died is.…well shall I say .…ques­tion­able ? For GOD cre­at­ed every­thing, inclu­sive death. GOD can’t lose con­trol of death till it over­pow­ers HIM and takes HIS live”. Man just can­not kill their GOD. It is not a sto­ry about one mad sci­en­tist who cre­ates a mon­ster and only to be killed by it. Can’t you under­stand.…..? Hope­ful­ly you are not what Allah men­tioned in the Al Quran. They are deaf dumb and blind”

  11. Robert Avatar

    First of all, as a born again Chris­t­ian, let me state emphat­i­cal­ly that we do not wor­ship the cross. We wor­ship God in three parts, Father, Son and Holy Spir­it, the Holy Trin­i­ty, if you will. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. What Christ accom­plished on the cross assures me of eter­nal life in Heav­en. Rest assured that the heav­ens were not emp­ty” while Christ hung on the cross or dur­ing his bur­ial. God the Father still sat on the throne and heard the pleas and prayers of the faithful.

    USMAN (in ref­er­ence to your post), while Christ knew full well that He was to die and that He would also be ressurect­ed, that was not the real issue. At the moment of His death, at the time he took all the sins of the world past and present upon Him­self, He was sep­a­rat­ed from the Father. THAT was the real sac­ri­fice. The pain and death were incon­se­quen­tial com­pared to even a moments sep­a­ra­tion from the Father. The cross is a sym­bol of that sac­ri­fice. It is a ral­ly­ing point for Chris­tians, but we most cer­tain­ly do not wor­ship the cross.

    Christ was born in the flesh to live life as man and to be tempt­ed as such. His sin­less life pro­vid­ed the right­eous basis for his sac­ri­fice. He was the Lamb with­out spot or blemish.

    The writer of the ref­er­enced piece, regard­less of his time peri­od, had a fun­da­men­tal mis­un­der­stand­ing of the nature of Christ, His sac­ri­fice, and exact­ly Who Chris­tians worship.

    I pray humbly for the sal­va­tion of all who read this. Sal­va­tion for all is God’s will as expressed in His Holy Word.

  12. heman Avatar

    As an evan­gel­i­cal Chrsit­ian and stu­dent, it is quite obvi­ous that the writer of this song has nev­er read the Bible or even Googled the bases of Chris­t­ian faith. If so- all the WHY?” ques­tions would be void.”

    how could he google when there was no inter­net in his time ? what i find inter­est­ing is this ?
    Were the heav­ens vacat­ed, when He laid under the ground some­where?” i assume al jawziyah had access to a gospel that said the cross­t­ian god got buried and had a bur­ial service.

  13. Junaid Avatar


    the writer of the song was writ­ing at a time when com­put­ers did not exist. So he could not Google” :)

    He is a midieval writer and scholar.

  14. ShelbSpeaks Avatar

    As an evan­gel­i­cal Chrsit­ian and stu­dent, it is quite obvi­ous that the writer of this song has nev­er read the Bible or even Googled the bases of Chris­t­ian faith. If so- all the WHY?” ques­tions would be void.

    We won­der ! Was He pleased by what they did Him ?
    Were the heav­ens vacat­ed, when He laid under the ground somewhere ?
    Why did not the angels help Him, when they heard him while he wailed ?
    He ate and drank, and did what that nat­u­ral­ly resulted,1
    Is this [what you call] a god ?

    COME ON ! The answers to such things are the very BASES for our faith ! Try doing a lit­tle research before assum­ing we’re all blind idiots who believe what­ev­er any­one tells us. I’m sure you’d want the same respect regard­ing your faith.

  15. asim Avatar

    very inter­st­ing read. i won­der how a chris­tan would respond.

  16. usman Avatar

    the man-god died as a martyr ?

    This does seem to imply that Jesus chose to die, if not the man­ner of his death (although, as the son aspect of an omni­scient being, it would be hard to claim he did­n’t know exact­ly how he would die). Jesus lays down his life, know­ing that he will take it up again. To say that oth­ers since Jesus have been emu­lat­ing his exam­ple is thus not cor­rect, because oth­ers have gone to their deaths not hav­ing gen­uine fore­knowl­edge, but at the most only faith in life after death or a future resurrection.

    Thus, the sac­ri­fices of ordi­nary human beings before and after Jesus are more impres­sive than that of Jesus, since unlike them, accord­ing to the gospels, he was ful­ly aware that he would be res­ur­rect­ed and then ascend into heav­en. All he had to do was endure a few hours of pain and dis­com­fort. Count­less human beings have endured far more, and died only with the hope of liv­ing again, not with the absolute know­ing that Jesus would have had.

    But now let’s go the oppo­site direc­tion ; sup­pose Jesus was sim­ply a delud­ed per­son who believed him­self to be the Mes­si­ah and believed his death would make atone­ment for sin. Well, not many peo­ple are going to go to their deaths think­ing the same thing, that by their deaths they are going to save the world. They may think that at most they may save a few peo­ple’s lives and per­haps do their tiny part to make the world a bet­ter place, or per­haps they think advanc­ing an ide­al is worth the sac­ri­fice. Is this not more impres­sive than some­one dying know­ing that his death will save the world and know­ing that he will be reunit­ed with his trini­tar­i­an parts ?

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