Praise be to the Lord, the One and Only, Who has neither a wife nor a son.
To proceed, we present here to our dear readers an article which includes some of our observations during our investigation of the Christian Scriptures which has occupied my mind for some time. What encouraged me to present these findings is the fact that none of the Christians that we confer to offered any plausible refutation to this theory of ours.
The Christian faith is founded upon these well-known and established bases:
- Inheritance of Adam’s sin by all mankind.
- Crucifixion and the blood-shedding of Jesus because of Adam’s sin as an Atonement for humanity.
After examination and investigation of the Christians’ Scripture, the reader will notice that it conveys something different from these two bases and reveal a serious secret and a hidden fact. With a little pondering, we will notice that the basis of Christian faith is the statement:
“Adam had committed a sin.”
If this statement is established, we will find the next statement:
“Sons of Adam inherited the original sin from their father.”
If this second statement is true, we can formulate several statements until we reach the final statement, upon which the Christian creed is founded:
“Jesus was crucified as an Atonement for humans’ sin.”
It is agreed upon among intelligent people that results follow the reasons that caused them in correctness and error; if the reasons are valid, the results are therefore correct — if the reasons are not, then the results are therefore erroneous. This rule has nothing to do with Islam, Christianity or anything else because it is purely an intellectual rule that is generally agreed upon by all.
If we want to implement this rule on the Christian creed, we should first ask about the correctness of the first statement upon whom the Christianity is based, namely that “Adam has committed a sin.” In order to be fair with Christians and in order for our research to gain their acceptance, we will depend in judging this statement on the Bible they use in deriving their beliefs.
Following The White Rabbit
Let us begin by posing the following question:
Who committed the original sin, was it Adam or Eve?
The Christians believe the answer to be Adam. However, if we refer to the Bible, we will find that this is an erroneous statement and that Adam is innocent. Here are the evidences:
The First Evidence
Genesis, 3:1-6 – “Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”
From this text, we learn that Eve was the one who committed the sin and with her Adam and all humanity fell. She committed the sin and was the reason for sinfulness of the entire human race including Adam. Adam is innocent from what they attribute to him for he did not disobey the Command of God.
The Second Evidence
The lesson we learnt from the above text is further fortified by the New Testament in the hands of Christians today:
1 Timothy 2:14 – “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”
The Third Evidence
The sacrificed Saviour should be a woman, not a man. So God should incarnate in the form of a woman, not a man, and her name would be Jessica, not Jesus. Since Christians believe that the Atonement must be with the most precious thing the Saviour has, therefore the Lord incarnated in a Woman must therefore sacrifice the most precious thing that a virgin woman possess — her honour.
The sin of Adam was never mentioned by the Messiah in any of the Gospels, this therefore confirms our argument that the Messiah has nothing to do with Adam’s sin.
All these evidences expose some interesting and important facts, which are as follows:
Firstly, evidence reveals that Adam is innocent from guilt and sin for he did not disobey and that he is not responsible for the original sin; Eve is.
Secondly, Christians believe that the original sin which the human race has inherited from the first sinner requires an Atonement.
Therefore, if we conclude from the above arguments that Eve is the originator of the first sin and that Adam is merely a victim of Eve’s temptation and not the first sinner, then it is more logical for the Atonement to be in accordance with the following scenario:
The sacrificed Saviour should be a woman, not a man. So God should incarnate in the form of a woman, not a man, and her name would be Jessica, not Jesus, in order for her to make an Atonement for the sin of Eve who was the first to be deceived as proven by the Bible itself.
Since Christians believe that the Atonement must be with the most precious thing the Saviour has, therefore the Lord incarnated in a Woman must therefore sacrifice the most precious thing that a virgin woman possess — her honour. It is well-known that the honour of a pious woman is more precious to her than even her own life. So, the more logical scenario — according to Christian standards — would be for God to allow a group of Jews to forcefully deflower her as an Atonement for Eve’s original sin and to hence remove the inherited temptation.
Therefore the forceful blood-shedding of the hymen of a sinless, honourable and pious Lady Jessica would represent the cruel blood-shedding of a crucifixion sacrifice used as an atonement for sin. And the Jewish gang-rape of the Goddess-incarnate, Lady Jessica – instead of the crucifixion of an innocent Jesus – would be the more logical consequence as offered by the Bible itself because of Eve’s “original sin” who was the first human being to disobey God. The shame that would be ascribed to her and her followers, not to mention the abuse, suffering and mental agony that she would later undergo because of her forceful deflowering at the hands of a group of Jewish men, would be the most supreme sacrifice for the Atonement of the human race from Eve’s sin that could never be removed except with the blood of Lady Jessica’s hymen.
The ultimate result of this objective research is that the holy rape of the Goddess-Incarnate Lady Jessica, instead of the violent crucifixion of Jesus, peace be upon him, would be the symbol which Christians should adopt and present before humanity. We do not believe any sane person would believe in this ugly creed based upon the principles held by the Christians themselves.
And the last of our prayers is: Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
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