Category: Polemical Rebuttals

  • Ara­bic Bible Cal­lig­ra­phy”: Expres­sion of Art or Evi­dence for Deception ?

    The Christian missionaries are well-known for their deception in order to spread their so-called "God-given" purpose to spread the Gospel to the world. This approach is not alien to the missionary agenda, for it is founded upon the very words of Paul, who laid down deception as the missionary approach. It is with this "mission"…

  • Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies Sweep­ing the Islam­ic World

    Chris­t­ian Mis­sion­ar­ies Sweep­ing the Islam­ic World

    From a tape lec­ture of the same title, Les­son 66. Edit­ed by Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi Let us first dis­cuss some of the new ways that Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies are using in the Islam­ic world, these new meth­ods have been applied because the old meth­ods did not prove as effec­tive as the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies thought they were.…

  • Deal­ing With Anti-Islam­ic Websites

    Deal­ing With Anti-Islam­ic Websites

    One of the down­sides of the Inter­net is that it has giv­en our crit­ics and ene­mies an oppor­tu­ni­ty to pub­licly defame the reli­gion of Islam. I guess this is the price of hav­ing free­dom of speech. Some­times you have to read and hear things which are just plain detestable. The fact of the mat­ter is that…

  • “Allah” Of The Mus­lims?: The Mys­te­ri­ous Hazor Statue

    Allah” Of The Mus­lims?: The Mys­te­ri­ous Hazor Statue

    For years the Christian missionaries have been entertaining the idea that “Allah” of the Qur’an was in fact a pagan Arab “moon god” of pre-Islamic times. This theory was first popularised by a fanatical, mid-Western closet-fascist polemicist by the name of Dr. Robert Morey, of which his deceptive methods have already been exposed in the…

  • Mis­sion­ary VS Ter­ror­ist : An Exam­i­na­tion of a Mis­sion­ary’s Men­tal Imbal­ance and Behav­iour­ial Problem

    The recent barrage of missionary dementia gives us a marvelous opportunity to expose the character of the missionary Sam Shamoun, his mental disorder and the extremes he is willing to undertake in order to unleash his abuses and prejudice towards Muslims. Indeed, he convincingly demonstrates that he is a confirmed Islamophobe. The discussion is concerning…

  • Nurs­ing of Adults and Per­vert­ed Mis­sion­ary Mentality

    Nurs­ing of Adults and Per­vert­ed Mis­sion­ary Mentality

    In accor­dance with clas­si­cal mis­sion­ary habits, the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary Sam Shamoun — who is noto­ri­ous for his per­vert­ed and filthy mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions — has tak­en the event of Sahla bint Suhail nurs­ing an adult boy, Sal­im the ally of Abu Huza­ifah, as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to assault Islam by call­ing it ​“shame­ful and dis­gust­ing to say the least”. In this paper,…

  • Are Women Equal to Dogs and Donkeys ?

    Are Women Equal to Dogs and Donkeys ?

    Recent­ly a Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary by the name of ​“Lazarus” pub­lished the results of an e‑mail dia­logue with a mis­lead­ing title of ​“Is Islam Women-Friend­ly ?”. A pletho­ra of wild imag­i­na­tion and false inter­pre­ta­tions form the nuclei mate­r­i­al for the above ​“dia­logue”. Most of what was addressed have been dealt with before. How­ev­er, what we are con­cerned with here is…

  • Mis­con­cep­tion Addressed : What is the Sig­nif­i­cance of the Cres­cent Moon in Islam ?

    Mis­con­cep­tion Addressed : What is the Sig­nif­i­cance of the Cres­cent Moon in Islam ?

    Apart from the claim that "Allah" is the name of the moon god, the Christian missionaries also tend assert this claim by questioning why do Muslims use the crescent symbol as a symbol for their religion, or why is the moon being used in Islam to mark a new month. They engage into the logical…

  • Jesus Through The Eyes Of Islam

    Cen­turies of con­fronta­tion with the Chris­t­ian West fol­lowed by a peri­od of intense mis­sion­ary activ­i­ty, which still con­tin­ues in cer­tain regions of the Islam­ic world in new forms, have cre­at­ed among some con­tem­po­rary Mus­lims an aver­sion not only to Chris­tian­i­ty but, in the case of some of the mod­ernised class­es, even to the Islam­ic con­cep­tion of…