Category: Polemical Rebuttals

  • Do Muslims Really Worship Allah The Moon God?

    Do Muslims Really Worship Allah The Moon God?

    Christians who try to claim that the word Allah (Arabic: الله) is the name of the moon god are influenced by the writings of Dr. Robert Morey, who wrote this alleging that a statue at Hazor represents Allah.

  • Allah is the “Rimmon” of Syria? A Reply to Christian Mendacity

    Allah is the “Rimmon” of Syria? A Reply to Christian Mendacity

    A missionary under the Yahoo! Groups nome de plume of “Patriot Tim” has made an allegation in a discussion group by stating that the Syrian pagan idol RIMMON () as mentioned in 2 Kings 5:18 is the same Deity as for the Muslims, who sometimes call upon God as ar-rahman (The Merciful).

  • Maalik vs Molech: The Missionary Name-Game

    Among the litany of crimes Christians accuse Muslims of committing, the worship of so-called “pagan” deities is a major one. There is the claim that Allah is a “moon god”, that ar-Rahman refers to the Syrian “Rimmon” parodied in the Bible, and the list goes on. Yet another of God’s names has come under the…

  • Is Yahweh “Divine Name” For God?

    Is Yahweh “Divine Name” For God?

    When Muslims confront the Christian missionaries with the etymological evidence that the word Allah is indeed related to the word Elohim, the missionaries are very quick to point out that (YHWH) is the “Divine Name” for The Deity that they worship and that since Muslims are not taught about this “Divine Name” of God, it…

  • Muhammad and The Lies About Him

    The lies about Muhammad(P) that are made against him to tarnish his credibility and truthfulness of his message is as old as the existence of Islam itself. Since the time when Islam rose to spread its light across the Middle East, North Africa, Spain and parts of Europe, the Christian Church and the European rulers…

  • Will the Real “Demon-Possessed” Prophet Please Stand Up?

    The following is our partial response to the tirade authored by the belligerent Christian missionary Sam Shamoun, to be found here. This article will clearly establish Prophet Muhammad(P) as the true Prophet, insha’Allah. In the forthcoming papers, we will provide a detailed critique of the shoddy polemics of the missionary, together with a detailed examination…