The followingAdolf Grohmann, The Problem of Dating Early Qur’an, in Der Islam 33 (1958), heft 3, pp. 222-226. is a detailed examination of a very early Qur’anic papyrus. Please note the conclusion of the investigator at the end of this article, according to which this papyrus belongs to the first century of the Hijra or…
The following shows the text of the first Sura’ of the Qur’an inscribed on the shoulder blade of a camel, preserved in the Princeton University Library.Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an, Vol. II (Leiden: Brill, 2002) We know that the first steps for the preservation of the Qur’an were taken in the lifetime of the Prophet. Tradition…
Introduction This article was written to examine the language of the Qur’an and the circumstances surrounding it, in reference to its supernatural eloquence. We will also at the same time scrutinize a posting by a Christian apologist, Pete Nash — or otherwise known as Kip Rider, which attacks the eloquence claim of the Qur’an and…
The secret about Sura’ Al-Ikhlas is more than can meet the shallow thoughts of atheists and critics of Islam. This very short chapter contains in it the summary of many concepts that are to lead people to The One True God and to refute the misguided notions about God. Although the Sura’ is very short,…
The following is the reproduction of the translation of Qur’an 43:63-64 with the accompanying footnotes to the amazing consistency and parallelism with the Message which Jesus (P) had consistently preached as found in the current gospels. It is often the common missionary argument is that since the Qur’an is often found to “contradict” the Bible,…
In an article marked by a characteristically polemical style which is the hallmark of almost any writing to be found on Answering Islam, the author has exerted his utmost effort to prove that the reference in the Qur’an (15:87) to the “seven oft-repeated” is “an example of the Qur’an’s incompleteness and incoherence.” Additionally, the author…