Recently a South African Christian missionary by the name of “Gary” had been posting polemical snippets of untruth on his “website” about the character of the Prophet Muhammad(P), with total disregard for the answers from the Muslim side. Most of his material is dependent the missionary website Answering Islam, of which he wholly cuts and pastes. Obviously this bankrupt missionary is unable to think for himself apart from relying on the obtuse material from his rabid co-religionists.
We list out the allegations that this missionary has written, and we will respond to each and every statement that he has made, in defence of the Prophet Muhammad(P) and the religion of Islam. This page will also be collecting links answering the most common allegations hurled by the missionaries and their allies.
What was Muhammad?
According to the missionary:
- Muhammad massacred his prisoners of war indiscriminately. He was a criminal and a mass murderer. [Response]
- Muhammad sent his men to kill his opponents in the middle of the night using deceit and lies. He was an assassin. [Response]
- Muhammad raided merchant caravans and stole their goods. He was a highway robber. [Response]
- Muhammad captured human beings and sold them or asked for a payment of a ransom to release them. He was a slave merchant and a terrorist. [Response]
- Muhammad, at the age of 53, became aroused by a 9-year-old child. He was a paedophile. [Response]
- Muhammad forced himself on a captured woman on the same day that he killed her father, husband and many of her relatives. He was a rapist. [Response]
Comparing Muhammad to Jesus?
If one were to objectively study the missions of both Muhammad and Jesus side-by-side, it would immediately be concluded that Muhammad is Jesus doing the work of reconciliation in the seventh-century Arabia of warring tribes while Jesus is Muhammad doing the same work in the first-century Palestine occupied by an overwhelmingly powerful Rome. See:
Ahmad Shafaat, Comments on: William E. Phipps, “Muhammad and Jesus: A Comparison of the Prophets and Their Teachings”
Also look at:
Contrasting the Prophet Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad: A Muslim Viewpoint
Violence Is Not A Point For Character Assasination
The missionary in question has also fondly pointed out that the Muhammad(P) had waged wars in his lifetime. We have never denied that. But what about explaining his obvious double standards? The reader is adviced to follow the articles chronogically in order to grasp the demonstration of our point. See:
A Re-Evaluation Of Muhammad
It is unfortunate that most of the criticisms directed towards the Prophet(P) even until today shows that many of his critics are still living in the past. This is evident when we read:
Exoneration of the Prophet from the allegations of his critics can be seen in:
This article attempts to give an objective view of the personality of the Prophet(P) and at the same time discusses the varying notions of the Prophet Muhammad’s(P) character as viewed by the Orientalists.
It can be seen from our responses to these allegations about the Prophet Muhammad(P) that the missionaries certainly have no excuse to attack the character of Muhammad. Even his contemporary mortal enemies were acknowledging him as al-Amin, “The Trustworthy”. To see these hostile bigotry coming from missionaries who are still smarting from their defeat at the Crusades is hence laughable.
And certainly, only God knows best!

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