Tag: Religion_Belief

  • Was Islam Spread By The Sword ? A Brief Analy­sis and Respons­es to Critics

    Was Islam Spread By The Sword ? A Brief Analy­sis and Respons­es to Critics

    Pro­fes­sor Thomas W. Arnold was a poly­glot and a schol­ar of mas­sive eru­di­tion. His mag­num opusT.W. Arnold, The Spread of Islam in the World offers an unbi­ased and author­i­ta­tive his­to­ry of the expan­sion of Islam. It expos­es the delib­er­ate ham­per­ings of some his­to­ri­ans and goes direct­ly to the records ear­ly sources to exam­ine numer­ous claims. It also…

  • Prophet Muham­mad’s Night Jour­ney and Ascen­sion to Heaven

    From Muham­mad Asad’s com­men­tary, The Mes­sage of The Qur’an Surah 17 (Al-Isra’), verse 1 reads as : “Lim­it­less in His glo­ry is He who trans­port­ed His ser­vant by night from the Invi­o­lable House of wor­ship [at Mec­ca] to the Remote House of Wor­ship [at Jerusalem] — the envi­rons of which We had blessed — so that We might show him some…

  • Will the Real Demon-Pos­sessed” Prophet Please Stand Up ?

    The fol­low­ing is our par­tial response to the tirade authored by the bel­liger­ent Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary Sam Shamoun, to be found here. This arti­cle will clear­ly estab­lish Prophet Muham­mad(P) as the true Prophet, insha’Al­lah. In the forth­com­ing papers, we will pro­vide a detailed cri­tique of the shod­dy polemics of the mis­sion­ary, togeth­er with a detailed exam­i­na­tion of his…