Category: Polemical Rebuttals

  • Refutation of P.N. Oak’s Claims Against The Ka’bah

    Refutation of P.N. Oak’s Claims Against The Ka’bah

    Some “researcher” known as P. N. Oak has come up with some ludicrous, puerile and absurd comments regarding Islam. His theory postulating the “impact of the Vedic religion on Islam” is laughable. Those acquainted with history will smile at the silliness of the assertions made by Oak. Among the fallacious claims made by Oak is…

  • Wood Chopped Down: The Information Superhighway and the Nonsense of Christian Missionary Belligerence

    Wood Chopped Down: The Information Superhighway and the Nonsense of Christian Missionary Belligerence

    From the beginning of Orientalism, the Christian missionaries have been assuming that Islam is “headless” enough to be attacked and scrutinised with a ferocity that one can only conclude borders on fanaticism. These missionaries proved then that they don’t have the brains to acknowledge their own headlessness. One such example is David Wood, a recent…

  • Myths and Facts About the Banu Qurayzah

    The Christian missionaries have been making a lot of noise about the circumstances surrounding the Banu Qurayzah. It is a wonder that even after countless of explanations on the matter, they still want to play on this old, tired polemic. Regardless, it is about time that an answer is given to checkmate the nonsense surrounding…

  • Luxenberg On Houris

    If the Qur’anic verses mentioning houris are carefully placed and critically studied in the order of their revelation, then the following picture emerges — the transition from the more sensual to the more spiritual — be especially noteworthy: Makkan Period First Makkan Period (i.e., from the first to the fifth year of the Prophet’s Mission,…

  • “Virgins of Paradise” in Christianity

    It has already pointed out previously that the Arabic word “hur al-ayn” (houris), meaning a beautiful, voluptuous woman, was already well known in the pre-Islamic Arabia and many instances of its usage have been preserved in the pre-Islamic poetry. Some examples may be seen as follows: The Diwan of ‘Abid ibn Al-Abras of Banid, vol…

  • Is Islam A Monotheism?

    The following is a reply made by an Arab brother using the nickname “sary” in response to Christoph Heger’s polemic about the uncreatedness of the Qur’an, and is reproduced here and translated into English for the benefit of our readers. Original Text: Translation: As for the article of that Christian, it is really laughable and…