Category: Polemical Rebuttals
On Revising Bigotry
The Conference unfolds to the balanced mind. Its soul is the honor of the search, the equanimity of judgment and the breath of beauty. Beauty is an intricate state of balance weighed by the scales of the Lord. The essence of beauty is balance, like the equipoise of sight, the restitutions of love and the…
An Islamic Response to Pope Benedict XVI
Certainly there is no reason why a Muslim who knows his religion would not be outraged at the words cited from a medievel emperor, and it is justifiably so. What we would like to know is, how could Pope Benedict XVI have quoted from a power-crazy emperor whose hostility towards Islam was well-known? As the…
Cosmology and the Holy Qur’an: A Response to Richard Carrier
This paper is intended to respond to atheistic criticism as proposed by Richard Carrier, in a rather large piece that is in my personal opinion and understanding, replete with errors and misunderstandings with regards to basic cosmological concepts, the Islamic viewpoint, as well as history. I also address a few polemics that were put forward…
A Counter-Challenge to Sam Shamoun and the Christian Missionaries
Recently Sam Shamoun, a well-known belligerent and provocative Christian missionary at Answering Islam, issued a challenge to Muslims to prove that Jesus (peace be upon him) did not claim to be God, as per the Qur’anic statement. It is obvious, however, that his demands are as preposterous as it is stupid. The Qur’an certainly quotes…
Ahad(un) and the Missionary’s Folly
Recently we were introduced to a new, amusing polemic by the missionaries, namely with regard to the word “ahad(un)”. To achieve this end, the missionaries cite an online text from a Christian Arab polemicist who claims that the word does not mean “one”, but “one of”. Is it true what they claim? We seek to…
Danish Cartoons — Islam vs. Freedom of Expression?
Cartoons are doing what so many could not: Unifying Muslims across the globe. On the other hand, a growing number of brave freedom-fighters, led by journalists, are standing up to “reaffirm the principle of free expression.” And non-Muslims are wondering why this unified outrage is a no-show when it comes to seemingly more important issues…