The Christian missionaries and the enemies of Islam have alleged that the Prophet Muhammad(P) was an “assassin” who would “kill his opponents in the middle of the night using deceit and lies”. They cite the events of the killing of Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf as evidence for their claims. Our contention is that these bigots are…
The vulgar Christian missionary using the pseudonym “Silas” has accused Prophet Muhammad(P) of being responsible for the killing of Abu ‘Afak and the death of ‘Asma bint Marwan. The implications of these charges are that he(P) “stiffles” criticism by murdering his opponents. In this paper, insha’allah, we are going to refute these false charges against…
Recently a South African Christian missionary by the name of “Gary” had been posting polemical snippets of untruth on his “website” about the character of the Prophet Muhammad(P), with total disregard for the answers from the Muslim side. Most of his material is dependent the missionary website Answering Islam, of which he wholly cuts and…
We Muslims believe that Muhammad was the greatest and last of the prophets and apostles of God. We also believe that his character reached perfection. On neither of these claims does the majority of mankind agree with us.
Edward Gibbon describes the Arabs before Islam in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire as “…the human brute without sense is poorly distinguished from the rest of the animal”. From this abject barbarism, an unlettered person elevated them, as in the words of Thomas Carlyle: “…into Torch-bearers of Light And Learning. To the…
Conclusion Regarding Christian DoctrinesTom Harpur, For Christ’s Sake, pp. 124-125 I am well aware that in questioning orthodox teaching — the dogmas of the Trinity and the Godhead of Jesus, the divine origins of priestly castes, the necessity of a pyramid-shaped hierarchy, the theory of Atonement, the infallibility of the New Testament documents, and Christianity’s…