The lies about Muhammad(P) that are made against him to tarnish his credibility and truthfulness of his message is as old as the existence of Islam itself. Since the time when Islam rose to spread its light across the Middle East, North Africa, Spain and parts of Europe, the Christian Church and the European rulers…
Imam an-Nawawi. Introduction by Abdul Rafee It is really hillarious to see the Christian missionary websites or those people who have an axe to grind against Islam asking Muslims about the miracles of the Prophet Muhammad(P). They believe that the Prophet(P) did not perform any miracles. Predictably, their assumptions are wrong. We will allow the…
It is noted that in his alleged “reply” to our summary of the Biblical Prophets’ experiences in their encounter with the Divine presence, the missionary had made the arrogant claim that: It is rather evident that NONE of these prophets’ experiences are even remotely similar with Muhammad’s traumatic experiences… However, the missionary emphasis on the…
The following is our partial response to the tirade authored by the belligerent Christian missionary Sam Shamoun, to be found here. This article will clearly establish Prophet Muhammad(P) as the true Prophet, insha’Allah. In the forthcoming papers, we will provide a detailed critique of the shoddy polemics of the missionary, together with a detailed examination…
This is in response to this article by a Christian missionary. Muhammad’s 11 symptoms 1. He experienced ringing in his ears, like bells In their epileptic or psychotic fits which they interpreted as “prophetic” visions, Ezekiel heard “loud thundering noises” (Ezekiel 3:12f); Jeremiah heard “sound of the trumpet” (Jeremiah 4:19); Isaiah heard loud and shrill…
Here we have two notions which appear differently from the point of view of the prophet: the notion of his subjective consciousness, which arises out of his human knowledge, and that of Qur’anic consciousness, which is revealed to him. It is necessary to establish a clear distinction between these two notions in order to better…