Category: Islam
The Prophet Jesus In the Noble Qur’an
What does Allah (God) say about the Prophet `Eesa (Eesho/Jesus)(P) and his mother Maryam (Miriam/Mary) in His last Revelation to mankind, the Qur’an? The following are selected Qur’anic verses dealing with `Eesa and Mary, may God’s blessings be upon them: “O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of Allah…
Allah is the “Rimmon” of Syria? A Reply to Christian Mendacity
A missionary under the Yahoo! Groups nome de plume of “Patriot Tim” has made an allegation in a discussion group by stating that the Syrian pagan idol RIMMON () as mentioned in 2 Kings 5:18 is the same Deity as for the Muslims, who sometimes call upon God as ar-rahman (The Merciful).
Robert Morey’s Deceptive Methods
Adapted from Common Questions People Ask About Islam by Shabbir Ally Question 7: Dr. Robert Morey proves in his book that Allah is the name of the moon god worshipped in Arabia before Islam. Is he right? Answer: The book you refer to is entitled The Islamic Invasion: Confronting the World’s Fastest Growing Religion. The…
The Word “Elohim” in the Hebrew Quran
Often the missionaries try to argue that the name for God is Yahweh, and that since the word (Allah) is not etymologically related to this name, it therefore follows that Muslims worship a different deity. However, what they fail to recognise is that it is etymologically accepted that the root word of (Elohim) which is…
The Concept of Tawhid in Islam
[toc] Meaning of Tawhid The word Tawhid comes from the verb wahhad which literally means to unite. In Islamic terminology, it means to realize and maintain the unity of Allah in one’s actions (inwardly and outwardly). The actual word tawhid does not occur in the Qur’an or Sunnah though the present tense of the verb…
Marriage With The “People of the Book” (Ahl al-Kitab)
‘Abdur Rahman I. Doi informs us of the jurisprudence of the four schools of thought in Islam regarding marriage with Jewish/Christian women.