Category: Christianity
The Three Different Jesuses
(I) JESUS IN JUDAISM * LIFE: – Establishing the time of the “Jewish Jesus”: The reference to Jesus in the Talmud is by the title: “Yeshu Ha-Notzri,” but according to Jewish chronology, he lived at the time when Joshua Ben Perakhyah led the Sanhedrincirca 150 BCE; see, for instance, Sanhedrin 107b and, therefore, predated Jesus…
Lessons In The Story of Jesus, The Son of Mary And His Most Blessed Mother
This great mission is that, among the major signs of the final Hour and among the keys of the huge deliverance that will dawn upon this Community of Islam there will come a time on this earth when the call to the pre-morning prayer will be raised in Damascus — at the white minaret East…
Who is Jesus: Did He “Die” For the Sins of Mankind?
TRINITY Basic claim is that the Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Ghost are equally one – and are all GOD Therefore, Jesus IS God. CRUCIFIXION Christians believe that Jesus/God died on the cross for our sins. It is well known to all Major Religions that GOD can NOT die. (1 Tim.6:16) If Jesus did ?die?…
St. Ephrem The Syrian, “Hymns on Paradise”
The following are the stanzas from the translated work of “Hyms on Paradise” by St. Ephrem the Syrian.St Ephrem the Syrian, Hymns on Paradise, trans. Sebastian Brock (Crestwood NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1990). We have retained the page numbers and the strophy paragraphs whenever possible. The background story behind these stanzas is explained in…
Muslim Passion for The Christ
Like everyone else, I was warned about the blood and violence, and braced for it. But the bit about the English subscripts must have slipped my mind. One unexpected thing I got out of watching “The Passion of the Christ” is its affirmation that Jesus never uttered the word “God”. Instead, he called upon the…