Tag: islamic history

  • The Jew­ish Wife of Muham­mad : Umm al-Mu’minīn Ṣafīyyah bint Ḥuyayy

    The Jew­ish Wife of Muham­mad : Umm al-Mu’minīn Ṣafīyyah bint Ḥuyayy

    Safiyyah, daughter of Huyayy ibn Akhtab, a noble leader of Banu al-Nadir and a Jewish rabbi, was captured by Muslims during the seizure of al-Qamus. Recognizing her heritage, a Companion suggested she marry the Prophet (P). This led to her freedom and marriage. Learn more about Safiyyah's story.

  • The Life and Times of Muham­mad (P)

    The Life and Times of Muham­mad (P)

    Edward Gib­bon describes the Arabs before Islam in his Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire as “…the human brute with­out sense is poor­ly dis­tin­guished from the rest of the ani­mal”. From this abject bar­barism, an unlet­tered per­son ele­vat­ed them, as in the words of Thomas Carlyle : “…into Torch-bear­ers of Light And Learn­ing. To the…