Tag: bible interpretation

  • Was Sarah The Sis­ter Of Abraham ?

    Was Sarah The Sis­ter Of Abraham ?

    Was Sarah really Abraham's sister? Ibn Hazm questions the status of Sarah as being Abraham's sister, as accepting that viz., from the Biblical perspective would result in various disagreements with other passages in the Old Testament concerning moral and theological issues. This is in reference to the stories of Sarah's seizure by Pharaoh and Abime'elech…

  • A Clos­er Look at the Sto­ry of Daniel : Homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in the Bible

    Is there homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in the Bible ? The Bible endors­es homo­sex­u­al behav­iour and we shall pro­vide one such exam­ple, which is exem­pli­fied in the sto­ry of the rela­tion­ship between Daniel and the prince of the eunuchs. The verse is : ​“Vayiten ha-Elo­him et-Daniyel leKHesed u’ler­aKHamim lifnei sar hasarisim” (Daniel 1:9) [i.e., ​“Now God had brought Daniel into favor…