Category: Polemical Rebuttals
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and the Slander towards Muhammad
It is well-known that the polemics of the Christian missionaries and Orientalists where the character of the Prophet(P) ranges from the totally ludicrous to an outright lie and blasphemy. One such polemic is with regard to the allegation that the Prophet(P) suffered from a type of epilepsy known as temporal lobe epilepsy. This charge on…
Further Comments On “Ishmael Is Not The Father of Muhammad” Revisited
This is a short response to the missionary’s ‘Ishmael Is Not the Father Of Muhammad’ Revisited. The basic premises of this travesty of the missionary claim has already been addressed in our original response. The reader is invited to read that response before delving deeper into the issue. In this latest hilarity of their attempts…
The State of Prophet Muhammad’s Religious Beliefs Before the Advent of Prophethood
It is interesting to note that most of his arguments “from a biblical [SIC] perspective” are nothing new. They are arguments rehashed from orientalists in the last century who allege that the Prophet’s(P) religious attitude and practices prior to the coming of the Revelations were no different from his people. Most of these claims were…