Western ignorance of the World of Islam is almost total, but if there is one area above all others where the vacuum of knowledge has been most effectively filled with misinformation, it is that surrounding the role of women in Islam.
There is no aspect of Islam more widely misunderstood than the role and status of its women. The popular view combines the fantasy of a Hollywood version of the Arabian Nights, with a picture of deprived and repressed victims of a man’s world. Neither approaches the truth, but ignorance and prejudice have supplied facts to…
Islam is not the name of some unique faith presented for the first time by Muhammad(P) who should, on that account, be called the founder of Islam.The Quran makes it abundantly clear that Islam, the complete submission of man before God, is the one and only faith consistently revealed by God to Mankind from the…
Fred M. Donner Middle East Studies Association Bulletin, Volume 35, Number 1, Summer 2001, Cambridge University Press, ISSN 0026-3184, p. 75 The study of Islam’s origins, including the life of Muhammad, is a notoriously contentious undertaking. Scholars with admirable training differ sharply among themselves on how to understand it. The appearance of a volume that…
The following is an extract from the allocution of Patriarch Timothy I before the Caliph al-Mahdi on how he viewed the Prophet Muhammad(P). I guess Christians back then were not as intolerant of other faiths as how it might appear from their polemical websites such as “Answering Islam”. It is entitled: Timothy’s Apology for Christianity,…