‘Abdur Rahman I. Doi informs us of the jurisprudence of the four schools of thought in Islam regarding marriage with Jewish/Christian women.
Asif Iqbal presents a commentary of an extract from the Christian historian Theophanes’ account of a group of Jews accepting the Prophet Muhammad as their awaited Messiah.
Emin Ergin discusses the historical relations between Muslims and the “People of the Book”, and provides evidence on how they are to be treated.
Monqiz As-Saqqar sheds light on the origins of jizya, its pre-Islamic usage and how it was practised in previous civilisations before the rise of Islam and contrasts it with the Islamic way of imposing jizya.
Isma’il Raji al-Faruqi lays the groundwork towards understanding the Islamic theory of meta-religion, highlights its important aspects and discusses Islam’s historical treatment of non-Muslims.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the well-known poet-philosopher outlines the the main Political Thought in Islam and concludes that the fundamental principle laid down in the Qur’an is the principle of election.