There is an interesting observation made by a pro-Torah Christian and he has issued a “challenge” to Pauline Christians regarding Paul’s (mis)understanding of the nature of Esau in the eyes of God. The issue is what Paul had written in his epistle to the Romans, as follows: “For the children not yet being born, nor…
This article was written as part of my answer to a Christian calling himself “AIbrahim”, who raised the issue of Muslim converts to Christianity as “proof” for the truth of Christianity as well as denying that Christian reverts to Islam were even “practising Christians”. Below is the reproduction of that dialogue, with some modifications to…
Christians who try to claim that the word Allah (Arabic: الله) is the name of the moon god are influenced by the writings of Dr. Robert Morey, who wrote this alleging that a statue at Hazor represents Allah.
Asif Iqbal The following are scans from the offical Catholic cathechism on the position of the Church towards Muslims.
A missionary under the Yahoo! Groups nome de plume of “Patriot Tim” has made an allegation in a discussion group by stating that the Syrian pagan idol RIMMON () as mentioned in 2 Kings 5:18 is the same Deity as for the Muslims, who sometimes call upon God as ar-rahman (The Merciful).