The verse of Isra’ in the Qur’an is clear not liable to hesitation or reluctance in saying that Allah had caused His servant to travel by night from Al-Masjid Al-Haram to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa like you say; I traveled by night from such and such place to such and such place. So, there is no room…
According to the Bible, can a person get divorced and remarry without committing adultery? Remarriage after divorce is prohibited because it is adultery. Jesus clearly says so. Mark 10:2-5, 9-12: “And the Pharisees came to him, and asked him, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife? tempting him. And he answered…
Some “researcher” known as P. N. Oak has come up with some ludicrous, puerile and absurd comments regarding Islam. His theory postulating the “impact of the Vedic religion on Islam” is laughable. Those acquainted with history will smile at the silliness of the assertions made by Oak. Among the fallacious claims made by Oak is…
The last work that shall be discussed is a relatively recent one: The Collection of the Qur’an by John Burton. It was published in 1977 by Cambridge University Press. What Burton did was to take the theories of Schacht concerning the validity of hadeeth and apply them to the history of the compilation of the…
This great mission is that, among the major signs of the final Hour and among the keys of the huge deliverance that will dawn upon this Community of Islam there will come a time on this earth when the call to the pre-morning prayer will be raised in Damascus — at the white minaret East…