Category: History

  • Non-Mus­lim Obser­va­tion About The Real­i­ty of The Spread of Islam

    It is of no sur­prise to us to see the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies play­ing on the myth of the so-called Islam­ic ​“vio­lence” dur­ing its rapid rise. Some non-Mus­lims do rec­og­nize that the claim that ​“Islam is the reli­gion of the sword” is more based on biased pro­pa­gan­da rather than on fact. As ear­ly as 1923 when…

  • Was Islam Spread By The Sword ? A Brief Analy­sis and Respons­es to Critics

    Was Islam Spread By The Sword ? A Brief Analy­sis and Respons­es to Critics

    Pro­fes­sor Thomas W. Arnold was a poly­glot and a schol­ar of mas­sive eru­di­tion. His mag­num opusT.W. Arnold, The Spread of Islam in the World offers an unbi­ased and author­i­ta­tive his­to­ry of the expan­sion of Islam. It expos­es the delib­er­ate ham­per­ings of some his­to­ri­ans and goes direct­ly to the records ear­ly sources to exam­ine numer­ous claims. It also…

  • The Ori­en­tal­ists and the Han­i­fs : The Jef­fery-Bell Theory

    Excerpt­ed from Sir­at Al-Nabi and the Ori­en­tal­ists : With Spe­cial Ref­er­ence to the Writ­ings of William Muir, D.S. Mar­go­liouth and W. Mont­gomery Watt , Vol. IA (1st ed., 1997), Chap­ter XIV, pp. 335 – 354. Com­piled by Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi I. SUMMARY OF THE THEORY  One con­stant endeav­our of the ori­en­tal­ists has been to relate the rise…

  • Ene­my of Islam Exposed : Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881 – 1938)

    Ene­my of Islam Exposed : Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881 – 1938)

    A brief history of the life and policies of one of the most vehement enemies of Islam, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was the founder of the secular Turkish state. It is an unfortunate thing that a lot of his policies are still being practised in Turkey till this day. Women are still not allowed to wear…

  • An Opin­ion on The Hajj

    C. Snouck Hur­gron­je (1857−1936) was a famous Dutch ori­en­tal­ist as well as the main archi­tect of the Dutch colo­nial pol­i­cy towards Islam in Indone­sia, which, under his direc­tions, was much more inter­fer­ing in the inter­nal affairs of the Mus­lims than the British pol­i­cy in the Indi­an sub-continent. In those days when colo­nial­ism and slav­ery used to…

  • Dar Al-Islam And Dar Al-Harb : Its Def­i­n­i­tion and Significance

    Ahmed Khalil In his book, The Clash of Civ­i­liza­tions and the Remak­ing of World Order, Samuel Hunt­ing­ton says : Peo­ple are always tempt­ed to divide peo­ple into us and them, the in-group and the oth­er, our civ­i­liza­tion and those bar­bar­ians. Schol­ars have ana­lyzed the world in terms of the Ori­ent and the Occi­dent, North and South, cen­ter…

  • Were There Any Influ­ences of Chris­tian­i­ty in the Hejaz ?

    Yis­han Jufu & Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi  The Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and the oth­er oppo­nents of Islam have been try­ing to estab­lish on how the Prophet(P) was able to know many sto­ries of the past Prophets(P). They made many alle­ga­tions which were only sub­stan­ti­at­ed by their vain desires, such as accus­ing the Prophet(P) of bor­row­ing from Judeo-Chris­t­ian…

  • A Dia­logue on Prophet Muham­mad : Caliph al-Mah­di and Patri­arch Tim­o­thy I of Seleucia-Ctesiphon

    A Dia­logue on Prophet Muham­mad : Caliph al-Mah­di and Patri­arch Tim­o­thy I of Seleucia-Ctesiphon

    Discover the profound insights of medieval Patriarch Timothy on Prophet Muhammad in this enlightening dialogue with Caliph al-Mahdi. Unveil the shared values of monotheism and explore the interfaith history. Read now.